That was apparently Root Canal Part 2 of 5. Got 3 Appointments left (spread over the next 3-4 weeks). But the Dentist did seemingly good work because now that the numbness in my cheek wore off I dont feel pain. Except for my jaw unhinging due to being opened too wide, but that fixes itself after a while anyways (that was the type of unhinge that you get by yawning too hard, nothing serious). X-Ray revealed that all other teeth are “fine” and dont need any serious attention.
As for that one tooth on the opposite end that I actually went to the dentist for, a special toothpaste is supposed to fix its cold sensitivity, so I’m gonna try that. If it doesn’t work after the 3-4 weeks I’m gonna tell the Dentist that again, but first lets get that root canal completed before doing anything else.
It’s fun how special tooth paste is free (they just threw me one at the dentist), 2 pills of 800mg ibuprofen are free (I just said we dont have painkillers at home, which I think is true, and they gave me them just in case), but electrically measuring how deep the root canal is gonna have to be costs me 10 bucks, because insurance doesn’t pay that fully, because health insurers have problems with new medical practices and other concepts such as “electricity”, because what they pay and cannot pay is determined by Law, and you know how slow Law can be.
There is only 2 bad things about this whole situation for me:
- The provisorical filling tastes a but ugh.
- I can only chew on one side for yet another Month. (during late October i already avoided chewing on that side due to cold sensitivity)
Since there is no pain I wont have any concentration Issues, so that is a good thing. ^^