So yesterday the German version of the Supreme Court decided that Hartz IV (aka welfare) cannot be cut past -30%, meaning I am pretty much fully financially safe now, because I can live with 70% should I decide to say “fuck it! I’m not cooperating anymore!”.
Speaking of that, I noticed I cant breathe at all with Air Temperatures below the freezing point for more than like 5 Minutes (warm clothes dont fucking help, and covering mouth with scarf only delays the inevitable by a couple minutes), so once it gets too cold, I will no longer be able to show up to that Jobcenter mandated thing until around March next year, because Public Transport involves waiting outside. I will definitely go to the doctor when that happens for the first time, and then i will go to the lung doctor again to get that checked.
I really hate being overly sensitive to almost everything (Hot, Cold, Brightness, Contrast, Distraction, Loud Sound, Chemical Cleaning Supplies, Smoke, Sprays, Deodorants, most Shampoos and more…). This obviously screws with a lot of Aspects of my Life (I for myself can deal with it, but some others apparently dont want to and “think” they can fix that…). Luckily most things I like doing involve the Computer in some way so I am not screwed in my free time with that.
Well as I mentioned in the Update Post, the eveningly Asthma Spray definitely keeps me more motivated by now on a long term basis. Took a week or two work in full force, but now it feels much better to do thinks like “waking up” and “getting out of bed”, even when I dont use the CPAP (though I recently started using that again too since the Temperature is in the working range again).