Random Updates about Greg

I have barely any control about what I am doing (and that has always been the case to some degree), simply because everything is mood dependent, combined with depending on outside circumstances.
Technically speaking I have a LOT of time, probably as much time as anyone could possibly have. But I can only have one thing on my mind at a time, so switching between tasks is not a thing I often do. I’m actually trying to get better at that one by splitting my room into different work areas (see the Corner Table I just acquired).

When it comes to things in GT6 there is two categories of things people ask me to do, the “this is screwed up, please fix” and the “please add this thing, because it would be nice”.
Obviously the fixing Issues thing is something that has priority for me to the point I want to get rid of the Issue as fast as possible, because it interrupts my Brain.
While the “please add new thing” Part involves stuff like researching on Wikipedia (especially for new Materials!), coming up with a good way to integrate the thing (Recipes, Tech Tree and the likes), and actually balancing the result. Sure adding a new Material and a new Machine are both one-liners, but a lot of thought goes into the things I add, and for that kind of thinking, I actually need to be in the mood.

This is why things like watching Bear play GT6 actually make me notice Issues and start working on things that could improve gameplay.
Back in ye olden days, I watched a lot of people play modded Minecraft, and it always made me think of ways how to improve it in some way or another, so I made those improved things, and this is how GregTech came to be. It was always about improving and making sense of modded Minecraft.
But nowadays Minecraft just feels bad, not stale, but actually bad. And I mean specifically Minecraft with all the shitty performance, Forge and Microsoft Garbage.

That and the ability to do Stuff I always wanted to do are the main reasons I started Mechaenetia.
And then I got stuck at a certain point about 14 months ago, while at the very same time having my friend OvermindDL1 get stuck with a baby, and the whole pandemic thing starting (that pandemic got me too scared to do anything early on), grinding my motivation on this Project to a temporary halt, so I decided to get other things off my mind first.

Please don’t get into anxiety, just because I am such a chaotic minded person, who also mostly gave up on Modded Minecraft. It’s just not a good idea.


I suggest you read some books about emotion management and task arrangement, which may be helpful to you. I hope so.

Long term in this state, the result is nothing good, now there is no progress on both sides of the project, I hope you can get out of the low state as soon as possible…


My daughter was really into MLP when she was younger ( now that she’s 9 she’s too cool for that ). The Equestria girls movies they made where Twilight travels to our world and becomes human while here and meets human versions of all of her friends were good too. The last one they made without humans was rather dark.


So, I just received part 1 of the Corona Vaccine. Guess there is benefits to having Asthma after all. Still feeling perfectly fine an hour after the poke.

As for everything else in Life, progress is being made in many ways, even if it’s in the “working on improving GT6” way.

I did also make the realization that “trying to do things the most optimal way” kindof hurts my productivity and ends up in procrastination, while “derping around and doing stuff whenever” is what has me most productive and gets things done.

Meanwhile, April 2021 was one of the worst Months for Minecraft Modding, with 1.7.10 being the biggest collateral damage in all of this, after the Forge Team decided to fuck up all the downloads required for setting up a Dev Environment and for normal people installing NEI because CodeChickenLib was deleted, which is an auto-downloaded (and therefore not on curseforge) dependency for NEI (this did get patched later on for CodeChickenCore, but imagine if they did not patch it, the Mod would be lost forever).
We are lucky OvermindDL1 was there to help with all of this by mirroring most of the Mods and helping many people set up a properly working Dev Project.

I also found out that someone apparently put an Error 403 on the GT6 Mega Thread on the IC2 Forums, so not even direct Links to it would work, and it is gone forever I guess.
Unless ofcourse someone archived it, then it would be at least accessible.
Well, the IC2 Forums are mostly dead anyways, so it is not that much of a loss (I did not notice it until recently), except it might be a loss for people, who see a Link on other Websites pointing to the GT6 Thread, just to get that Error instead. Just like how it happened to the MC Forums, which migrated so often, you now need an Account to even view old Mod Threads in the first place…

Well, I only care enough about it to mention it here, not like there is any actual problems on my end, since all of this is resolved for me already.

Anyone had an actual nice April this year? For me it was mostly neutral except for the stupid weather messing with my body.


Which version of CodeChickenLib are you using now then?

As for working optimally, schedules suck away creativity. I find I’m most creative when I work on things when I feel like it, that’s why I have multiple projects on at a time. Sometimes I put something down and won’t pick it up for months or a year at a time, but when I do it’s because I want to. As long as you’re working on something you enjoy, it doesn’t matter what that is.


Oh simple, I have just put direct Links to CodeChickenLib on the Downloads Page. :wink:

Yeah I knew that part since ages, but the “trying to do it perfectly” part was something I did not realize hinders me a lot when it comes to things like Mechaenetia.

Edit: As a Side Note, absolutely no Vaccine Side Effects for me. Not even Arm pain where they poked me. Guess my Body will just take it like regular Flu Vaccines.


I have only had a part 1 myself as well, but based on others, it seems part 2 side effects are worse than part 1.


Oh wow I did not write much here recently. The second Vaccine shot I had a month ago had absolutely no Side Effects, so that was nice. The “Heat Wave” (aka just regular Summer temperatures) was not though…

I worked on a lot of GT6 Stuff, especially when it comes to gathering Resources, like Ores with Fortune, or better Meteorite spawning behavior, as well as better Tool Stats for Meteoric Iron/Steel, and ways to get Jade from Asbestos Veins. Mass Storages and Stuff are also cheaper now.

One of those brown spots on my Skin (you know, the ones basically everyone has) noticeably changed, so I had that one surgically removed a few days ago, just in case it could have been cancer. Isn’t free basic preventative Health Care awesome? I even got a free negative Corona test done right before. XD

I also somehow became a Member of the Et Futurum Requiem Team, and helped out with a few Bugfixes and Stuff. We might even end up getting Boats to work properly on Servers, and with two Seats per Boat, like in later Versions. It’s also the reason why I added the Raw Ore Items to GT6.

So I’ll end up talking way too much about Games, so I’m ending it here with a “hope you have a nice summer”, before going off on a huge tangent ^^

There is also that I decided to play “Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy” for the GameBoyAdvance a month ago. I basically finished the Game using a “Destiny-Board plus Final-Countdown”-Combo Deck, and then ran the Primal-Seed Loop Exploit to get near infinite Points in the Postgame, so I could acquire all Cards, and the rest is just derping around trying to make certain Cards work by building a Deck around them.

  • I started with slowly changing from the Wind Starter Deck to a Deck-Out Deck to make my opponents run out of Cards. Needleworm, Morphing-Jar and Cyber-Jar ftw! The whole thing became more and more insane when i added Book-of-Moon, Book-of-Taiyou and Tsukuyomi to that Deck to Flip the Needleworms up and down like a Burger Patty. XD

  • Ritual Cards are stupidly hard to summon unless you put the Ritual Support Cards into your Deck, though it is easy to do with Shinato and Blue-Eyes-White-Dragons, along with Paladin-of-White-Dragon.

  • Getting Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan to work was a challenge, you need one of each Element on the Field to activate that Card, and the only viable way to reliably get that is Ritual Summoning Doriado. Had to use a bunch of Equip Spells so she doesn’t instantly die the next turn…

  • Then there is the Dark Magic Deck I used to get Megaton-Magical-Cannon to work, it made me realize how insanely OP Apprentice-Magician is, considering the Facedown Summoning Capabilities it has with Magician-of-Faith (flip gets spell from Graveyard), Old-Vindictive-Magician (flip destroys one enemy monster of choice), Unhappy-Maiden (when destroyed, the Battle Phase is over) and ofcourse Apprentice-Magician (yeah you can chain that one until you run out).

  • Total-Defense-Shogun turns out to be immune to Mirror-Force, since Mirror-Force only affects Attack Position Monsters, so I only have to worry about Magic-Cylinder when attacking the AI Opponent. A Defense of 2500 makes you mostly immune to the opponents Monsters, and with the Field Spell Chorus-of-Sanctuary you get +500 DEF ontop of that.

  • There is a ton of Cards that just take Monsters on the Field and put them back to their owners Hands, sure Hane-Hane and Penguin-Soldier are nice and all, but what you REALLY want is Hade-Hane and Guardian-Sphinx, because both of them are Tribute Monsters, meaning you dont have to make Room in your Defense and can just sacrifice the most useless Monster to summon them.

  • Mega-Rock-Dragon was an interesting one to use, basically put a ton of High Defense Rock Monsters together with Morphing-Jar and Cyber-Jar into a Deck and make sure a lot of your Rock Monsters land in the Graveyard before summoning it.

  • Five-God-Dragon is surprisingly easy to summon using Dragon-Mirror (even more than once!). Mirage-Dragon can make sure no Traps get activated during Battle, Masked-Dragon and Troop-Dragon make sure there is enough Fusion Fodder in the Graveyard. I tried Paladin-of-White-Dragon and Blue-Eyes-White-Dragons in that Deck too, but it was a somewhat bumpy road, so I did not use those and went instead with Element Dragon and Cave Dragon.

  • Horn-of-the-Unicorn, Sword-of-the-Deepseated and similar Cards, that after destruction go back to the top of your Deck (without any option to prevent it), are all Garbage. They basically stop you from drawing anything useful, whenever you are in a bad state, bricking you to death even faster.

  • Stray-Lambs are a great Card if you need to do Facedown Tribute Summons with two tributes. They may prevent any other type of Summon, but the Facedown kind is not prevented!

  • Trap Cards usually suck, especially because of Jinzo, but Magic-Jammer is mandatory regardless, to counter shit like Raigeki, Snatch-Steal or Dark-Hole. Yeah the Game is allowing a lot of banned Cards, including Cyber-Stein (pay 5000 Lifepoints to summon ANY Fusion Monster you want).

  • I already have at least 3 of every Card in the Game, so I can basically build any Deck I want.

  • And yes ofcourse I made an Exodia Deck too. I once got 4 pieces of Exodia in my opening Hand, that was a WTF moment. XD
    Edit: I found the best Exodia Deck for this Game, I think, the 5 Exodia Pieces, 3 times Heart-of-the-Underdog, 3 times Reload, and fill the rest with High Defense and High Attack Non-Effect Monsters. You will draw practically forever, and when you stop, you will get either more Draw Power or can “Retry” using Reload!


So now that the Scar mostly healed, that brown spot I mentioned last time, turns out it was “harmless cancer”, as in producing way too many pigments and nothing serious, meaning I did not just imagine things when I felt like “hey that spot is a little bit three dimensional now”.

I did a bunch of improvements for GT6, and there is still one I plan for, that I got the Idea from from that brand new “Snapshot” Mojang has put out. Yes the “Mobs only being able to spawn in pitch darkness” one. I will restrict that to specific Mobs that I whitelist (mostly vanilla ones), in Dimensions that I whitelist (so Overworld, Enviromine Caves and very few others). Also yes obviously with a Config!

Other than that, nothing much to say, just wanted to follow up on that whole “free preventative health care is awesome” thing from my previous post. :wink:


I noticed that Greg likes to capitalize a lot of words when he types…
Is there a reason why? I just feel weird now that i notice it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Easy to answer: I’m german.

Also wow I have not updated this Thread since 3 months, I should probably do that soon. XD


How is being German gonna make you capitalize random words XD


Because in German, Nouns are capitalized, that’s why. Back in the days this was ALSO the case for English, but somehow both the Brits and the Muricans dropped that.


It’s been 3 months since the last actual Post here, so let’s not procrastinate it any further.

Not really anything important that is easily shareable going on.

I did do a GDPR complaint against some Government funded thing, that is not resolved yet, so I don’t wanna put details on that one.

The scar from previously detailed stuff is still there, I wonder how long it takes for the dark coloration to fade back to normal.

Bear had ISP Issues and I did not have a dedicated Tester for a while because of that.

I vaccinated against the regular Flu too, because that is also an important thing.

Temperature related Issues I have rise again, because Winter is starting. Though I detailed those before too. I hoped the Masks would actually help me with that one, but nope, instead the exhaled Air is making the Masks soggy when it’s cold outside, which somehow makes the Issues worse…

Well, that is basically all then, as I said, not much to talk about. ^^


Stay inside Greg you know your body is like a house cat. :joy:
Some scars don’t fade but if you’re worried about it I think you can buy oil that helps fade scars.


Nah that was more curiosity than anything, not like I care about how i look like. XD


Merry New Year and have a nice 2020 Season 3!

Everything is fine and OvermindDL1 decided to invite me to play Factorio during his Winter break, so that has been fun so far.

I hope everyone else has a nice time too. ^^



(Where’s the portal space ball meme when I need it, lol)

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Factorio already has mods in the spirit of GT called Pyanodon’s. Full masochist.


Pyanodon is more just tons of copy/paste, it doesn’t really have a lot of ‘stuff’ other than simple processing. Angel’s ore processing is awesome. SE however is a whole new level of puzzling with surprisingly little copy/paste!

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