GregTech-6 Main Thread

Say, is there a reason why the laser welder can be made with an industrial diamond lens, but not a real diamond lens?


Oh, and did sapphire boules get their tier bumped up? I donā€™t remember needing a titanium crystallization crucible to make them before, I thought an invar one would do?


Laser Welder requires a Yellow Lens. So Yellow Sapphire would work too.

And I mightā€™ve messed up the Sapphire Boules, if they cant be made in a Crystallization Crucible made of Iridium.

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So an industrial diamond is considered yellow instead of clear like natural ones?

Well all but the first tier uses an iridium crucible, but I thought that it used to take 256 HU/t so a T2 crystallization crucible would do, but now they say 512 so you need a T3.


I noticed one thing that you seem to have forgotten to replace the picture preview update on main pageā€¦


Yeah because of what I do for Releases I forget to take Screenshots. Sometimes you just get things like that Water Screenshot that is currently the latest one.

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Iā€™m almost positive that you used to be able to put distilled water into a crucible, but now you canā€™t.


So this seems oddā€¦ manganese chloride in the electrolyzer is used 3 units ( 432L ) at a time. It only holds 3.944 units ( 568L ). Shouldnā€™t it hold something like twice the 432?


Is there another Recipe that consumes MnCl2?

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Stupid minimum post length.


Oh now i realized why you said that. It should be able to hold 1000L for sure, since that is the minimum Tank Size for Basic Machines. Maybe try inserting more?

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Try inserting more? How? I put a drum full of the stuff on top of the electrolyzer. Thatā€™s all that it would ever accept.


It only draws from the Drum whenever it needs, are you sure it didnt just stop sucking it out? Maybe wrench the Drum.

Also in case you did not notice, what does adding 432 and 568 result in? Yes, I am gonna make you realize, what mistake you made, this way.

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So Iā€™m hearing that you think it only pulled in as much as it needed to process one batch, rather than the max that it can accept ( two batches ). So if it started with zero, and decided to pull from the drum only as much as it needed, rather than the drum injecting as much as it can hold, then shouldnā€™t it have only pulled 3 units ( 432L ), then started the process, then realized it was empty, and pulled another 3 units ( 432L ) and stopped? So I should see only 432L sitting in it, rather than 568L?


You did not realize what happened even though I gave you the obvious Math question.

432 + 568 = 1000, the tank can hold 1000 Liters, you only see 568 Liters, guess what happened.

It pulled maximum, which is 1000L and INSTANTLY STARTED CONSUMING 432 OF IT. And then it stopped pulling more, simply because it was working. That is called reducing unnecessary Lag.

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Oh, or are you saying that it asked the drum for at least 432L, but was willing to take up to 1000L, so it got 1000L, but then consumed 432L, leaving 568L? Then after that cycle completed, it asked for 137L but was willing to accept up to 1000L, and so ended up again gettingā€¦ only 568L for some reason?


It always asks for maximum, it doesnā€™t ask for specific amounts. Thing is the Tank Capacity itself dictates the maximum. And it asks for Maximum BEFORE consuming the Fluid, in order to be able to start its Job the same Tick that it sucks the Fluid, because anything else would be wasteful and absolutely broken as fuck.

And if it does not actively need anything it wont pull shit because that would lag like hell.

Edit: If you really want to see it fill with 1000L of that Stuff, just remove the Selector Tag so it cannot start processing the recipe the instant the Tank fills up.

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Damn I had to scroll up a lot because @psusi abused this Thread to post many many minor questions that would have warranted an actual new Thread.

Anyways, new Release, somehow the Bot did not post this one because @OvermindDL1 forgot to enable it again after the last Test.

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I was looking for things to make use of HSS on since it is thins out the amount of tungsten you need while producing a similar strength material and Iā€™m having a hard time finding a good use for it. How about as a substitute for tungstensteel in making raillcraft reinforced rails?


That is an Idea, sure, obviously some hints have not been gotten. :stuck_out_tongue:

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