[NOTE] The Default Config Pack updated to fix Enviromines noncompliance to Case Sensitive Filesystems.
[COMPAT] Lycanites and Atum
Geonachs and Stone Soldiers are now two times more vulnerable to Hammers and Clubs, just like other (Iron) Golems.
[COMPAT] The Betweenlands
GT6 Weapons made of Betweenlands Materials will no longer be damagecapped or auto-nerfed in the Betweenlands.
Weedwood Barrels can now also protect carried Liquids from rotting in the Betweenlands.
[COMPAT] The Aether
Skyroot is now a dedicated Wood Type similar to Weedwood.
Small Ores now generate in it. Note that none of the Sulfur containing Small Ores are up there.
Small Rocks now generate properly, as opposed to having the Default Overworld ones. The probability of finding a Meteorite is larger up there.
Ambrosium Torches can now be placed with GT Pickaxes, Shovels etc.
Added Miniature Aether Portal, 128m Error Margin and 1:1 Distance. Requires a GT6 Bottle of Holy Water to be activated.
[FIXED] Config File Error with /config/gregtech/gregtech.cfg
[ADDED] Crucible Sets for Umberstone, Livingrock, Holystone and Betweenstone.
The GT Forums are available at This Domain now. Miniature Aether Portals are now available!
[COMPAT] Several Aether related things got adjusted and oredicted. Sadly I cannot get the Treecapitation working for Skyroot Trees. Same Issue as IC2 Rubber Trees, ancient never updated drop code.
[COMPAT] Skyroot and Weedwood Objects can now be recycled like Vanilla Stuff (Chests, Jukeboxes etc).
[CHANGED] Vanilla Iron Ore will now turn into a large amount of Hematite when crushed. No more cheaty Iron from Twilight Forest and such.
And as always, the Patreon Post should follow up later today or somewhen tomorrow.
Cue the fully automatic Changelog:
Completely overhauled the way GregTech is handling the Wood Types. There was just way too many overlaps thanks to literally every wood type being registered as the same Names. Also added Beams for Greatwood, Silverwood, Skyroot and Twilight Darkwood.
And as always, the Patreon Post should follow up later today or somewhen tomorrow.
Just a tiny little update on why there is no Patreon Post yet. I wanted to announce the Git Repo once it is done, but a few tiny things are still missing for it to work properly, so it might take a bit. Hopefully just until tomorrow.
Cue the fully automatic Changelog:
GregTech-6 is going OpenSource! Let’s see how well this works out when I am actually there, and not replaced by people who have obviously no idea what they are doing!
And as always, the Patreon Post should follow up later today or somewhen tomorrow.
Cue the fully automatic Changelog:
GregTech-6 is going OpenSource! Let’s see how well this works out when I am actually there, and not replaced by people who have obviously no idea what they are doing!
And as always, the Patreon Post should follow up later today or somewhen tomorrow.
Cue the fully automatic Changelog:
GregTech-6 is going OpenSource! And we finally got the Build System Running, or at least I hope so, lets see if the Release will work out with the new System!
And as always, the Patreon Post should follow up later today or somewhen tomorrow.
Cue the fully automatic Changelog:
New Path Blocks and more Compat Stuff. The Path Blocks give a small movement Speed increase when walking on them, it’s less than Asphalt though. And the Paths are more robust than Et Futurums variant.
And as always, the Patreon Post should follow up later today or somewhen tomorrow.
Cue the fully automatic Changelog:
Prismarine Rock Types got added. Currently only findable as Building Material of GT6 Dungeons. Also added Axles for transmitting RU over longer distances.
And as always, the Patreon Post should follow up later today or somewhen tomorrow.