There it is, the final major Release of GT6 that I actively worked on personally (apart from eventual Bugfixes). Time for me to go to the IC2 Forums and Patreon as to Announce me leaving those two places.
The IC2 Forums because they are pretty much abandoned by now, not even Chocohead is there anymore. I will close by Mega-Thread there after 7.5 years of working on GregTech. It’s been a fun time. ^^
And Patreon because not only do I not really need extra Money anymore, but also because their Website started to break more and more in the past few months, and that is just unacceptable for a Site with their purpose. Should I ever decide to allow recurring Donations again, I might consider the GitHub Sponsors Feature.
I am currently importing GT6 into GitHub (might be finished after I’m writing this). That way it might be easier to find Contributors than the in hindsight dumb Gitea way I originally did. The Link to its GitHub Organization is here:
I hope the import is gonna go right. Contributions will ofcourse be accepted, just please don’t hope for it to be instant. But at most 1 or 2 weeks should be the thing, maybe a month. Still better than certain other Mods! Also gonna depend on what the submitted PR is ofcourse.
Well then. I’m gonna go link this Post on Patreon and the IC2 Forums now. ^^