Honestly I’d love to play it with ChC, except ChC is laggy, crashy, (used to take a long time to load up but I submitted a fix for that), and doesn’t integrate quite well with anything but rotarycraft in terms of tech mods. ChC is such a fun concept though, just needs some better coding done… ^.^;
What’s ChC? I used to play with RotaryCraft but the coal coke it added at the time overwrote Railcrafts and wasn’t compatible with its blast furnace, plus making HLSA Steel felt far too easy in my opinion and was kind of over powered with the recipes it could replace so I ended up removing it. Perhaps that has changed now though.
ChromatiCraft, also a Reika Mod, btw way too laggy to play alongside GT6, like NEI being unavailable due to lagspikes kinda laggy.
RotaryCraft is slightly compatible with GT6, I did a lot of Stuff to make HSLA work with GT6 without letting GT6 be able to create HSLA so you have to make Reikas Blast Furnace sooner or later.
yeah something like that is still planned, though I would use “Cables” that can only go straight and have an animated Texture to indicate rotation direction.
Honestly, its only going not be important for transmission in on itself, Machines can always accept both directions, and small Motors/Turbines can have the direction of rotation toggled via some tool (probably monkey wrench was it) too already.
But yeah they are going to be “straight” Wire alike Axles that just 1:1 transmit power with a tiny loss because of the Axle Weight being rotated, or maybe only voiding the initial packet so as to get the Axle started and after that no longer consuming additional power for transfer like an Electric Wire would.
Yeah couldn’t remember if I imagined that or not, I seemed to recall reading a tooltip about reverse direction but it didn’t seem to matter which way my centrifuge/sluice turned.
1:1 power transfer with loss for mass sounds balanced, also makes me think of flywheels too but that starts to make the system all sorts of complicated.
The list
TreeCapitator (I know, but I want to break trees even without tools)
Applied Energistics 2
Better Placement (how did I live without this?!)
Better Records
Big Doors
Big Reactors
Biomes o Plenty
ChiselTones (Ztones support for Chisel)
Clientfixer (russian font fixer, nevermind)
Climate Control
DimensionalDoors (and it's awesome)
GregsLighting (not THAT Greg)
Gregtech 6 (of course)
Lamps N Lighting
Malisis Core
Malisis Doors
Micdoodle Core
Minefactory Reloaded
VoxelMap (using with clientperms to disable cavemap and radar on servers)
Not Enough Items
Open Computers
Open Modular Turrets (no turret blacklists for 1.7.10 :frowning:)
Pam's HarvestCraft
Player API
Render Player API
RTG (great with ClimateControl & BoP)
TweakedInventoryTweaks (default one sometimes crash my game, I don't know why)
Underground Biomes Construct
WAILA Harvestability
You know, we should make the top post into a wiki listing of mods, links, and a short description, in a uniform format. It would then be easy to make a script or simple program for people to run to be able to auto-download and such a whole chunk of them at once.
Personally I look forward to the day when Gregtech incorporates everything under one mod.
I’ve managed to cut a couple out as your mod grew and developed better or more streamlined versions of things I had installed.
Still a wiki of compatible mods would be good and could help promote combinations of technologies/enhancements that compliment Gregtech.