would even be nice if there were crafttweaker scripts on the wiki…
Is that like minetweaker? Do you have a link?
Although potentially a worse format, since I’ve ended up publishing a modpack to Curse in order to introduce my friends to GT6, here’s the explanatory chart of why I chose to add those mods:
Its basically minetweaker. But i like to request “Balance Scripts” on the wiki so, if you want to use [RandomMod] and someone made a balanced crafttweaker script so the mods work good together (as example in forestry the machineries are pretty simple so with a good script they are “balanced”)
CraftTweaker is pretty much the better version of MineTweaker
Interesting, does it support all minetweakers integrations as well? What scripting language does it use?
Not sure about integrations, but i know that you write Crafttweaker in ZenScript like minetweaker.
The integrations are the significantly important part though. ^.^;