NTM to GT6 power conversion?

title. since Bob and Greg seem to work together regarding compatibility between NTM and GT6, what are the chances that we could see convertors for converting between the mods’ relevant power units?

i.e: NTM Thermal Units to GT6 Heat Units, NTM HE to GT6EU? maybe even NTM HE to GT5EU so that i can fuck around and slot NTM into GT:NH?

i know Bob isn’t usually a fan of random suggestions clogging up the Discord he uses for the mod, so i figured i’d post it here to avoid getting Rule 13’d

tl;dr: it would be nice if GregTech and NTM had some way of exchanging power directly instead of having to go through RF.


I am not quite sure how the NTM Energy Units work or which ratio they have, that is why I did not do any Energy Compat so far. And most of the time Energy Compat means I only send Energy to other Mods and not receive any.


well i figure we should probably wait for @TheBobcat to chime in, so i’ll ping him in case he hasn’t seen this post already…


Currently, the HE to RF ratio is 1:4 which I believe should make it 1:1 with IC2’s EU (and by extension GT’s EU as well), although the original method of finding that ratio used a now deprecated generator and compared it to a similar one from Thermal Expansion, and it didn’t take into account all the later additions which means mid-game reactors like the RBMK are obscenely powerful compared to anything most RF-based mods have to offer. Since the output scaling of both mods as well as how fast one can progress through them isn’t really directly comparable, I can’t even properly guess what the ideal conversion ratio would be, or if it would even be a linear scale.

What complicates the whole thing is that I have a tendency to tear up and replace large chunks of code and who knows how long it’ll be until I rewrite the entire energy system (again), so a converter on GT’s side would probably break sooner or later. And I’m not sure if I could even add a converter to NTM because I don’t really know how GT’s energy system works (I kind of stopped playing before the steam age) and I’m hesitant to add more stuff to the build script (the builds keep getting slower with every dependency and should a repo go down I probably can’t even build it anymore) and all that assumes we figure out the conversion ratio first.


1 IC2 EU is 4 RF, this is the official ratio, as 10 RF makes 1 BC MJ which is 2.5 IC2 EU. This has been negotiated back in ye olden days between people who had to convert Power.

The ridiculous part is, the way I handled balance is I took all the Fuel values of things like Buildcraft Fuel or MFR Bio Fuel, converted them to the highest probable EU value, and then just gave that insane value as a Fuel Value for my Generators.

So the various GT6 Generators are always the most efficient way to use your other Mods Fuels. Oh and ofcourse I balanced all my Stuff around those ridiculous Values, so it is always balanced for me, and all the other Mods are getting way more power than they originally intended.

Pretty sure this is called Power Creep and it definitely is already too insane to care about it, unless you make it even worse. XD


The final reactor can be abused in such a manner that it can fill up the highest tier energy storage (with the limit being as high as the range of the long data type) in a bit under a minute. Then again, even if we did manage to convert that into EU, I’m not sure if there’s a voltage tier high enough to actually use most of it.

Just for comparison, the lowest tier generators start at 1kHE/s with the larger earlygame ones being 30kHE/s, the first nuclear reactor being somewhere in the magnitude of 100kHE/s, optimized oil setups (which require a giant refinery) being above 1MHE/s, RBMKs easily going above 10MHE/s and the fusion reactor being somewhere above 100MHE/s. I guess that means if GT machines start in the single digits, then the ratio would be something like 50:1 or 100:1? Or would it make more sense to adjust the ratio based on voltage tier? I’ve never properly used GT reactors so I don’t really have a concept of how powerful they are.


Wow that is a lot of Power if you can get all the way to Long.MAX_VALUE.

Yeah I dont think the ratio could work out all that well at this insane rate, it would need to be 1000:1 at the very least…


I mean, we could always ignore the final reactor because quite frankly the entire point was to supply so much power that nobody would ever have to worry about it ever again. It being at the very end of progression also means that most people never even get this far.

Still, we might be able to find some middle ground. For example, how much EU is one lump of coal worth, assuming ideal mid-game power generation? In NTM that would be 400kHE at a rate of 4kHE/s using a standard firebox, a boiler and a turbine with 100% efficiency.


5000 HU per Furnace Smelt, which makes it 40000 HU total per Coal, when converted to electricity through the normal means 20000 EU will be left, usually at a rate of around 64 HU/t or 32 EU/t.

400000 HE total per Coal, compared to the 20000 EU per Coal, makes a conversion of 20:1 for the Total Power.

4000 HE/s is 200 HE/t then apply the 20:1 ratio from above you get 10 EU/t, which is comparable I guess.

So yeah unless the power scaling changes insanely between midgame and lategame, 20 HE to 1 EU seems fine at a glance.


In that case I could use fluidized bed burning box (3x) and convert coal to coal coke (2x) for 6x increase. In reality it’s 3x increase, because I would convert to coal coke anyway.


Then again, coking coal in NTM also doubles its burn value in addition to getting a slightly higher burn time bonus in a firebox while producing coal tar creosote which can be fractioned into tiny amounts of coal gasoline. I’m too lazy to do the math so I’m just going to assume it about evens out (and 20:1 is a nice number too).


Coal to Coke is 2x in both of our cases then, so nothing to worry about. And the Fluidized Bed Burning Box also consumes Limestone overtime to increase the burn value of Coal, but I very much assume such a special case is not what conversion ratios are supposed to be about, meaning the previously mentioned rate should be fine.


If I wanted to add GT6 to my gradle build file, how would I do that? With some tinkering I managed to get gradle to download the current GT6 dev jar (using compileOnly assuming that’s what I even want, I wouldn’t know), but the file doesn’t seem to show up in eclipse’s referenced libraries.


Good question, uhhh I need to ask @OvermindDL1 for that particular String unless “https://maven.gregtech.overminddl1.com” and the name of the Dev Jar itself, mean anything to you.


I found those in in GTWW’s build script and after some hammering (turns out the SNAPSHOT jar no longer exists, but it works with the current version string) the build runs. It’s just that I don’t see the jar file in the referenced libraries.

In particular I added maven { url = "https://gregtech.overminddl1.com/" } to the buildscript - repositories block and compileOnly "com.gregoriust.gregtech:gregtech_1.7.10:6.17.00:dev" to the dependencies block. I have no idea whether that’s correct but it follows the pattern of the other dependency stuff that other people did for me and the GTWW script.


It does but we had to upgrade to Maven 3 stages, so it’s 6-SNAPAHOT now.

And I don’t know about eclipse but the Old Forge gradle you have to refresh the workspace after acquiring and setting up everything in IntelliJ. You should really be using RFG instead of FG now, it fixes the issue, and many more.


just figured i’d use this thread to suggest some NTM/GT6 compat i thought up instead of making a whole new thread; maybe some way in GT6 of using NTM’s Osmiridium-Infused Tektite you get from Tom to slowly leach out boatloads of platinum group metals or other rare hard to acquire elements; think of it as your reward for destroying the world!

(might as well ping @TheBobcat again for posterity, just so he for sure sees it)


Not sure about the lore of doing that type of action, also platinum group sludge is already very “easy” to come by in GT6 as long as you have the processes needed.


The standard forge gradle repository broke months ago, I’ve been using the “anatawa12” one since then.

I ended up just importing the library manually, since it did download the DEV jar into the gradle cache correctly. I could probably add some compat now, however I can’t look at the source code because the SRC jar doesn’t seem to be included. How do I get that?


The standard FG one broke for like 6 months then it was … kind of fixed (if you did stuff to adjust it), RFG is just better in every way (I do still need to switch GT6 to it…).

Automatically acquired by the IDE (assuming not manually adding in jar’s but using dependencies correctly). After refreshing workspace or switching to RFG that doesn’t have that stupid FG bug, either works. Otherwise you can download it manually using the normal mvn commands, nothing special there.