Mods that recently updated

I went back to this Thread, because it has been a while, and there was no replies yet to some things. Turns out a new Question arised too.

Dumb question, do you use the Bonemeal Event for this or did you hardcode Bonemeal?

But now for the actual things I noticed with Et Futurum Requiem (click to dropdown each point)

Crash during Worldgen that still happens to me from time to time with Et Futurum Requiem
java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
	at net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity.func_145838_q(
	at ganymedes01.etfuturum.core.handlers.ClientEventHandler.onClientTick(
	at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_198_ClientEventHandler_onClientTick_ClientTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
	at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
	at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreClientTick(
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
	at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
	at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(

Copper Block registered objectively wrongly to the OreDict, resulting in exploits

You register the vanilla Copper Block (4 Ingots) as ā€œblockCopperā€ to the Ore Dictionary.

Many other Mods have Copper Blocks as worth 9 Ingots though (IndustrialCraft 2, Immersive Engineering, Railcraft, Thermal Expansion, Chisel etc), and all those Mods will not change their Code, so you kindof need to not oredict register that vanilla alike Copper Block as ā€œblockCopperā€ or else you will end up with an easily executable infinite Copper Exploit.

P.S. I am aware of your Config, but registering something to the OreDict also means that it should work like the String you enter is specified, and blockCopper always has to be 9 Ingots, that is why i say you should not register that Copper Block to the OreDict unless that Ingot Config is set to 9.

P.P.S. GregTech-6 will automatically fix this Issue by improving interoperability of things. The normal Copper Block will be 9 Ingots, the Cut Copper Stuff will be 4 Ingots. This seemed to me as the best option, and I donā€™t need to painfully de-register anything from the OreDict. Also used that opportunity to make 3 Ingots = Cut Copper Stair, 2 Ingots = Cut Copper Slab, and ofcourse add a ton of Machine Recipes for the Copper Blocks including waxing (Laminator + any type of Wax) and even oxidizing (bath in Water).

Another minor OreDict registration failure with Deepslate Ores

Another thing i noticed is that you register your Deepslate Ores as ā€œoreVanillastoneXXXXXā€ instead of ā€œoreDeepslateXXXXXā€, that is a thing I use to differentiate which type of Rock an Ore comes from, and Deepslate is clearly not normal Vanilla Stone. XD

Copper Ingot Item is registered in the Init Phase instead of the proper Pre-Init Phase

All Items and Blocks have to be registered in preInit and it seems to me like your Copper Ingot is one of the Items that is registered way too late to the Item Registry.
Maybe register it in preInit like all other Items you add, and like it should be done?

GregTech-6 does have Wax and ways to obtain it through Bumblebees and Candle Berries

I should probably mention that because I still get the Slimeball based Recipes instead of the Wax ones.

ā€œdustAnyWaxā€ might be a good choice in that case btw, since I have multiple Types of Wax and only the normal Bee Type of it is registered as equivalent to Forestry and Harvestcraft. ^^

I do however fix that Issue myself, since I add those waxing Recipes myself by now. Even for the fully Oxidized Copper Variants, since vanilla adds them. (unsure if you ever will, but Iā€™m ready XD)

Unsure if you covered Pamā€™s Wax Items, since there is Candle Berries (guess where I ā€œstoleā€ that Idea from) and Bees too.

Edit: Also my Player Model has 4 arms for some reason now.

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Iā€™m using the Bonemeal function in the nylium block classes to spawn the plants with bonemeal from the IGrowable Interface.
public void func_149853_b(World world, Random random, int x, int y, int z) { }

Iā€™m using the Bonemeal Event to spread Nylium to nearby Netherrack if used on Netherrack near nylium


Oh also Iā€™m working on the mod again after a break.
There will be a ton of new stuff like plants and chisel compat for a lot of blocks.

I think Iā€™m around 110 new Blocks already. Many of them are new variations of nether brick (5 shapes and one color) or plants.

But there are even more Blocks coming.


Just make sure you make use of MetaData for those as much as possible, because there is a total of 4096 Blocks that can exist at any given time. :wink:

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Donā€™t worry, with all those added blocks itā€™s only a bit over 20 new Block Ids. Many Blocks are added to already existing Blocks, like 3 new Blackstone variations to the Blackstone Id

Here is a picture with all the new blocks so far, just to show how many that are


Oh hey hi sorry to barge in and hijack the thread but I have a quick question and honestly itā€™s a pain in the butt to open issues on curse: Iā€™ve tried in any possible way to register your fungal trees with the treecapitator mod, but no solution seems to be actually working at making warts count as leaves, which leaves the nether forests a kind of a pain to farm. Could you look into that compat, or if itā€™s not working correctly? I was getting some really weird results even when using oredicts, like all trees getting registered with a netherlicious:stem2 item ID, which doesnā€™t seem to be registered anywhere (unlike the actual stem with metadata :2)


Well I can look at it, donā€™t know what I would need to do for it to work, but Iā€™ll look into it.

But Huge Fungi will generate less Wartblocks in the future, since the cap will be mostly hollow, so even if I canā€™t get treecapitator to work, there will be less Wartblocks to break


Thanks for the quick reply, itā€™s mostly a fact of them not getting registered as trees altogether and canā€™t be cut at all forcing you to go log by log (again, because they only get registered if they do have leaves, which sadly even if you give them an option created entirely for pseudoleaves, which is supported natively for requireLeafDecayCheck=false they still donā€™t get counted for some reason, even if it was made specifically for this) and thatā€™s even if the logs are in fact oredicted as logwood, so the thing is just sorta baffling to me. Sorry to interrupt and thanks again.


The Issue isnā€™t the Logs, its that the Warts are not behaving like Leaves (similar to how Mushrooms in vanilla dont either, which is intended). So the Warts stay floating after the Logs have been harvested.

Maybe I should do something about that with my own Treecapitation Stuff, so that Warts get harvested too by this.


I donā€™t get the copper ingot one. All items are registered in the exact same place; preInit. I donā€™t get how one would register in Init when theyā€™re all in one method that runs in preInit.

Can you please report these issues on GitHub?


Ok easy solution to the Wartblocks, Iā€™ll simply add a tool that will destroy connected Wartblocks.
Iā€™ll also make the stems count as logs, so you can chop them down faster with certain mods or mod tools like the thaumcraft axe of the stream.

And if you have scythes from Biomes O Plenty or my Tool Addon for that ā€œATOPā€ those can also destroy Wartblocks in the future


I could if you had a GitHub for Et Futurum Requiem, google clearly does not find it. It finds the old Et Futurum, it finds this very Thread even, but it doesnā€™t find its GitHub Page.

Well, I tried grabbing the Copper Ingot at the same place I grab all the other Et Futurum Stuff from, and it did not end up being grabbed. All other Stuff like your new Blocks and such are all preInit, but specifically Copper Ingots and only Copper Ingots, are not.

(I am not sure if Vanilla has Copper Nuggets, but for Textures I would love a fitting Copper Nugget too ^^)

Oh, nice Idea, I will put that on mine too!

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This is the new github for requiem


Ah thanks, it was not linked on the CurseForge Page at all, might be an Idea to put it there instead of only mentioning its existence without any coherent Link pointing to it. ^^

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Ok, I donā€™t need to add an extra tool to destroy warts, you have to set the decay check in treecapitator to false to destroy wartblocks, since Wartblocks canā€™t decay, that will make them drop. I think this will even work right now without me needing to change anything.

I will make the stems be recognized as logs tho and add the check to wart blocks so that other mods can destroy those blocks too.


Hehe, yeah I take care of such Issues really fast. By the way do not forget Shroomlights! Those should drop too, since they are part of the ā€œTreeā€. :wink:

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oh yeah, shroomlights should have the leaf check for that too.


Why do I have two right Arms???

Edit: Anyways I reported every Issue on GitHub except the Wax thing (since I fix the Wax thing for GT6 you dont really need to do much for GT6)

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Ok, another update. I canā€™t add the leaf check to Wartblocks and Shroomlights. that check messes with worldgeneration, since the Huge Fungi are considered trees as far as the generation code goes.

If they count as leaves the fungi generate merged with each other in weird ways, often there are two or three fungi generating at the same place and it looks really bad.

Iā€™ll experiment a bit with worldgen to see if I can make that look good, but I will most likely just add a tool to destroy Wartblocks.

Adding the Blocks too the Treecapitator config should still work tho


Wait how the heck do you generate those Trees? Donā€™t you have your own Code for it? I know that my own Trees do generate without letting anything ā€œmergeā€. You should just remove the ā€œcanReplaceā€ check or whatever it was called, because that makes Trees really bad in vanillaā€¦

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