GT6 Modpack: Devouring Darkness - Announcements thread

Updated to v443.

Opencomputers brought fully up to date to satisfy a certain someone.

GT6 upgraded twice. Thanks Greg for fixing a bug so fast!

ExtraCells added for AE2 for fluid handling.


Indeed, I am quite a certain person


Speaking of fluid handling, would you consider AE2 fluid crafting rework? I heard that it has all the features of EC2 and it has better performance and it allows fluids to be put in patterns directly (hence the name) and many cool features.
(Although I haven’t tested it outside of GTNH and I’m not currently active in Minecraft =/)


Interesting. I may consider it if anyone has difficulty with fluids in AE.


So I’m prototyping an ore processing line with GT6 machines and AE2.

My intent is to have Crusher > Sluice > ( Sifter | Centrifuge > Shredder).

I noticed that the sifter will only accept certain ores that it can process. The EC2 Oredict Export Bus lets me do neat things like “oreRaw*” to the Crusher, “crushed*” to the Sluice, but I’m stumped how to handle the split between sifter and centrifuge with “Purified”.

I’d rather not configure huge item filters to set each purified ore that can go. I’d like to basically say “if sifter accepts it, then give to sifter, else send to centrifuge”. My initial attempts with item meters and the sifter blocking a hopper failed, while the sifter was working many things would slide by into the centrifuge.

Unlike the other busses, the Oredict Export Bus doesn’t support a priority.

Any suggestions?


Many purified ores can also be acid-washed (like sulfuric acid or aqua regia). Some crushed ores can be persulfate-washed. Rarely even magnetic separator is useful (for purified nether quartz ore). Good luck :wink:


I know I could continue the chain, but I’m not that keen on getting every little drop.

Really I just want to automatically sift anything gem related, and shred the rest to dust.

EDIT: Without manually setting a filter for every crushed ore type ;]


Actually, when I swapped from an Item Sensor to an Activity Cover, it looks much better.

Basically, if the Sifter can run then it locks the hopper. Items which can be sifted go directly into the sifter, and items that can’t will have an opportunity to try to enter an idle sifter and then slide down to the centrifuge instead.


What about going to gt6 item pipe or hopper to pipe or so then try to insert sifter (shorter distance) else to centrifuge (further distance)?

Or could put export on both and disable the centrifuge one via redstone until the sifter stays empty for a bit then pulse the centrifuge one on occasion in that case?

(I’d go for pipe one first if that works for you?)

Or use a Logistics Core!


The issue with using distance is that the Export bus will keep pushing out items, so the first item will goto the sifter and all subsequent ones to the centrifuge.

Using the hopper and redstone cover makes this work one item at a time. If the sifter accepts the item, it sifts and no further items are moved by the hopper. If the sifter doesn’t accept, it slides down to the centrifuge.


Hmm true, could just disable the hopper when the sifter has an items in it at the cost of doubling the processing time in the worst case…

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