GregTech-6 Main Thread

Yep because it instantly burns up that’s why. :wink:

And overkill Durability Damage doesn’t matter for most things. I think it only matters for Tape if anything.

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So I’ve decided to finally try playing around with your bumbles. I spawned a bumbliary, wild princesses, and wild drones in creative to test. It seems to only accept one princess, but will take a whole stack of drones, and after a few minutes, it consumes the princess, and TWO drones, and spits out only a dead bumble. What gives?


The consuming 2 Drones part is intended so people dont just drop a shitload of Drones to afk the process. But that there is no corpse is indeed a Bug.

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So why are they dieing?


Because they after reproduction they get used up, for Gameplay Balance reasons. Cant have those things live forever and clog up your Storages, like Forestry Bees do.

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I mean why are they dieing in a few seconds and not producing anything? Also why clutter up your inventory by giving back the dead ones?


Uh they do produce something? They make a Princess into a Queen, which then will produce Combs over time depending on how well the work related Gene is.

Also in case you didnt notice, Dead Bumblebees get deleted whenever a new cycle starts.

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I don’t see a queen and am not getting any combs.


There would be a Bug unless ofcourse you placed the Bees in a foreign Biome. Where did you get them from and is the Climate at your Base matching the Climate of where you got the Bumbles from?

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Like I originally said, I spawned them in creative. The tooltip says “Generates random ‘Outsider-plains-biome’ genes when used”. F3 says I’m in a plains biome.

Also I noticed a compat problem last night. It seems you added ‘river water’ recently which appears to spawn like vanilla water but only in river biomes. Pam’s fish traps don’t seem to work in it though.


I started flying around my superflat creative world looking for a non plains biome and came across this.


Did you have the Bumbliary outside and with the proper “Flowers”?

Damnit, that is an Issue… How the heck am I supposed to fix that one…

I presume something generated next to this Bedrock Ore Pile, while not causing a Block Update. Try placing a Block in front of the Unknown Ore and then breaking that Block.

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Yep. I surrounded it with sunflows, rose bushes, poppys, and dandelions.

Ok, this is weird… when I reloaded the world, that now looks like this:

Notice how it is no longer two blocks tall.


Oh, that one chunk you were standing in did not generate right, or did not sync its content to you. Vanilla Issue.

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So I set up an invar fluidized bed burning box and two regular invar burning boxes to drive an invar turbine at 64 RU/t to centrifuge sluice juice. I stuffed the fluidized bed with a stack of lignite coal dust I had previously centrifuged while I sluiced and centrifuged some more. I tried adding more fuel to the fluidized bed burning box after I got another stack out of the centrifuge, but it wouldn’t take it. I could only add fuel to the box after it had completely run out and shut down.


Are you sure inserting by hand works while the Burning Box is running?, because it is not supposed to let you touch it by hand while it is running, as to not disturb the Fluid Bed. Hoppers exist for a reason.


Oh, I didn’t realize fluidized bed burning boxes were supposed to be different and I know I have used a hopper before I just didn’t expect a hopper to work but hand not to.


An Update to GregTech has been released!

Cue the fully automatic Changelog:

I decided to backport and fix GT6U Coconut Trees. :smiley:


Eh, the player can make their own vanilla water tank for those fishtraps to work in, it’s what I always did anyway, lol.


I’ve been trying to finally make a shredder so I made a steel buzzsaw to cut a diamond into a plate, and a steel turbine to power it, and connected it to my two invar boilers + fluidized bed / dense invar boiler, and threw in the old pair of bronze boilers to get enough steam through a standard bronze pipe to the turbine to generate 96 RU/t. For some reason the buzzsaw started the job and consumed the diamond, then stopped, and the boilers began to overpressureize. What am I missing here?