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Ready to make a resource pack for GregTech6 (very big project)
This is what’s done :
Updates can be extremely slow because I made them in my spare time. (420.0 KB)
Latest: (3.6 MB)
Ready to make a resource pack for GregTech6 (very big project)
This is what’s done :
Updates can be extremely slow because I made them in my spare time. (420.0 KB)
Nice! I was waiting for something like this! (not that i dont like greg texture, I just want something differet after all these years of GT6)
That looks good. I’m using a mix and match of several GT6 resourcepacks, but non had tried to retexture food before and these look really good. The rainbow ice cream is a nice touch.
Looking forward to the updates!
What does that emoji even mean aside from “hrrrm”, because I saw it used for many different things…
Update (445.0 KB)
The texture of Biochemical Gas Hazard Suit and the peanuts
I think it’s because if you look closely at the Rainbow Ice cream, you can see the thinking face on it.
I meant the Emoji as a whole, because a lot of things use it for more or less weird reasons, i clearly saw that it was in that Ice Cream, that’s why I pointed it out.
Is it possible to add this modpack like default skins in the main mod file? What do you think about this Greg? I agree that it’s a work of other developer, but it actually is looking pretty good! Very good!
Yeah it is not that easy to work with Resources in general, so the only real way is through Resource Packs, which would need to be loaded via normal means and cant just be a “Mode Select”.
The armor item texture has been drawn, but the model texture is not done yet. It will be released when it’s finished tomorrow.
You are awesome, Thank you for your work!
Update (537.4 KB)
Just randomly noting something, I added Pickles in the dev version yesterday, and I’m gonna change the Sake Bottle to be one of those Bottle shaped Gourds, because I think that fits far better in a cultural sense.
When i first saw this pack i was like “ok, foods… nice”
But i’ve been seeing your progress and i really like the looks of the metal plates.
Good work!
Resource packs are still being updated, but there are just too many machines
Do you have any suggestions or things that need to be updated in the resource pack first? I will update it first!
The coke oven is a good place to start. I’m already using Zederrian technologies for burning boxes, so that’s what I’m least concerned with, and I also did some personal texturework on some of the fluidized burning boxes, which were missing from that resourcepack.
Most machine lines (crusher/sifter/macerator/etc) actually look pretty ok with the animations and everything already, but most of the big multiblocks can be a bit on the plain side, so I’d say coke ovens and then distillation/cryo towers (I usually just add unity-retextured antimony plates to them to make them look a little snazzier) can be textures where you have to input little work (since they are just repeating patterns of 1 block for the most part) to get a big result (since they’re huge and you will always have them somewhere).
a resourcepack for gregtech 5 and 6. It’s on the IC2 forums.