What mod provides the chat calculator in GTNH?

I’ve been playing the GTNH pack and loving the pain. I get a lot of use out of the in-chat calculator function, where you type in an equal sign and get math’d. But, as a bit of a coder, I’ve been wanting to make some modifications to add variable storage and the like. I found a couple of chat calculator mods (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chat-calculator in particular) that fit the description, but I don’t see them on the GTNH mod list. So it has to be bundled in another mod - does anyone know which?


Most likely OpenModsLibs.


Yep, that’s it. Side note, it is unflappably Enterprise Grade Java. If you haven’t made properties to wrap your boolean values, what even are you doing?


Admittedly that’s because java is a garbage language and doesn’t even have something simple-basic like variant/sum types… Java is such a horrible horrible language, lol.