What is blackstone?

I mean, what mineral is it? I have “some” in my world’s nether (Netherlicious mod adds it, or Et Futurum, or both). I want to spend much energy to refine it into something useful. Maybe somebody has a good idea what it could be?

For example, Netherrack is mostly sulfur, some redstone, coal and gold.


That is actually a good question, I have no Idea what it could be. We could go with the GameTheory that the Nether was frozen over a while ago and that is how Blackstone formed, similar to how Basalt formed when Ice and Soulsand got hit by Lava.

Aaaaand I just remembered you can infinitely generate Blackstone similar to how you can Basalt and Stone! So I cant just give something useful from that!

Any suggestions as to which things you should get out of Blackstone?

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In fact, in vanilla minecraft, blackstone can’t be generated using lava, but you can get it by piglin trade.


I have one idea. It could be like netherrack, just mostly coal instead of sulfur. Reason - it’s black.


Blackstone is closer to Obsidian considering how shiny the rock is. And Netherlicious has a special Spectral Dew Cobblegen alike Recipe for Blackstone, which by the way also has an Extruder Generator in GT6 that DOESN’T require Spectral Dew to exist, so it also works for Et Futurum Requiem. But yeah its available through bartering too in Vanilla, so the Cobblegen way is not that exploity.

Not to mention Soulsand is already the Coal thing, so no doubling up on that one.

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Maybe some ash? Stone and ash.


But Ashes would just be practically the same as Coal, and pretty sure it is not shiny either.

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Sometimes hard to find ash sources outside of burning stuff for concrete.


Well guess you need to build a Pollution Factory then! Just burn it for burning sake! XD


Better idea. I burn unlimited wood from Botania and I DRINK the sake.


You can centrifuge Besalt or Komatiite dust or electrolysis some Lignite Coal