What equipment slots would you like to see in Mechaenetia?

In this topic, feel free to propose equipment slots that should be added to the game. This is also a good place to propose a piece of equipment, and we can work out which slot(s) it would go in.

Don’t worry about how all the slots will be presented to the client, that’s probably a whole topic in and of itself. See, perhaps, the topic titled Re: Interface Stuffs.

It has been established that certain equipment will take up more than one slot, for example you might have five slots per hand for rings, but wearing a brass knuckle will take up four ring slots on one hand.

I think there’s a difference between type of equipment and equipment slot, but that’s my opinion and not necessarily Greg’s. Keep in mind that Greg wants to let players customize how many limbs they have, etc.

For reference, Minecraft has four “armor slots”, which is basically the same thing.

  • Helmet
  • Chestplate
  • Leggings
  • Boots

These are the slots that Greg has confirmed, hopefully we’ll keep it up to date. I’ve got it sorted by body part, roughly from top to bottom, head->neck->torso->back->shoulders->arms->hands->waist->legs->feet

Currently Planned

Slot Quantity Description
Hair 1 Feature that covers the top of your head
Hairband ? if hair Accessory that attaches to your hair
Hairclip ? if hair Accessory that attaches to your hair
Crown/Coronet/Tiara 1 Jewelry worn on the top of your head
Hat 1 Clothing that covers the top of your head or headgear
Helmet 1 Armor that covers the top of your head
Mask 1 Clothing that covers your face
Visor 1 Armor that covers your face
Eyebrows 2? Feature that covers your eyebrow
Eye 2? Feature that augments or replaces your eye
Monocle 1 per eye? Accessory that covers your eye
Glasses 1 Accessory that covers your eyes and the bridge of your nose
Muttonchops/Sideburns 1 Feature that covers the sides of your face
Earrings ? Jewelry worn on your ears
Ear 2? Accessory that covers your ears
Mustache 1 Feature that covers your upper lip
Mouth 1 Accessory that fits in your mouth
Teeth ? Features that fit in your mouth
Beard 1 Feature that covers your chin
Shirt 1 Clothing for your torso and optionally arms , worn beneath everything else, even if it has long sleeves
Sash 2 Clothing or accessory that covers or straps to your torso diagonally
Chestplate/Breastplate 1 Armor that covers your chest
Back 1 Accessory that covers your back
Shoulder Pads 1 per shoulder Clothing or armor covering your shoulder : spaulders, pauldrons, ailettes, etc
Rerebraces 1 per arm Armor that covers your upper arm
Shield 1 per arm For shields (an accessory ) with enarmes (leather straps that attach to your lower arm )
Bracers/Vambraces 1 per arm Armor that covers your lower arm
Bracelets 2 slots per arm? Jewelry worn on the wrist
Gloves 1 per hand Clothing or armor for your hands
Finger Rings 1 per finger Jewelry for your fingers
Belt 1 Accessory that covers or straps to your waist
Belt Buckle 1 per belt Accessory that attaches to a belt
Frog ? per belt? Accessory that attaches to a belt
Pants 1 Clothing for your legs , worn beneath everything else
Chausses 1 per leg Armor that covers your legs
Cuisses 1 per leg Armor that covers your thighs , often worn on top of chausses
Poleyns/Kneepads 1 per leg Armor that covers your knees
Greaves/Shin Pads 1 per leg Armor that covers your lower leg , especially the shin
Boots/Sabatons/Shoes 1 per leg Clothing or Armor that covers your feet and sometimes ankles
Socks 1 per leg Clothing that cover your feet and sometimes ankles , worn beneath boots/sabatons/shoes

Currently Under Consideration

Slot Quantity Description
Purse/Handbag/Satchel 1 per arm? Acessory that is worn on your arm or shoulder
Armlet/Brassard ? Cloth or jewelry worn on your upper arms
Thigh Strap ? Cloth or jewelry worn on your thighs
Anklets ? Jewelry worn around your ankles
Toe Rings 1 per toe Jewelry for your toes
  • Shirt, will not obstruct ANY other Slot, even if it has long sleeves. Worn beneath everything else.
  • Pants, will not obstruct ANY other Slot. Worn beneath everything else.
  • Rings, 1 per Finger/Thumb (maybe Toes too). Brass Knuckle can take multiple Ring Slots, but not the Thumb Slot.
  • Bracelets, unsure how many per Arm, but maybe 2. Maybe also Upper Arm AND Legs too.
  • Gloves, 1 per Hand. Does not take the Finger Slots.
  • Shield, that is a complicated one, so it needs a dedicated Slot on each Arm. And no, it wont count as Handheld unless you decided to actually hold it in your Hand. It can be quick-mounted from your Back to your Lower Arm too like in real Life.
  • Bracers, 1 per Upper and Lower Arm. A Gauntlet would take the Lower Arm and the Glove Slot. Does not take Bracelet Slots.
  • Shoulder Pads, 1 per Shoulder, a Pauldron may additionally take the Upper Arm Bracer Slot.
  • Leg Pads? Unsure how those things are named.
  • Knee Pads, for if you aren’t a Dwarf, because those don’t have Knees.
  • Greaves, may have Knee Pads integrated.
  • Boots
  • Socks
  • Chest Plate, may also take the Shoulder/Leg Pad Slots depending on Design.
  • Belt, the kind you wear around your Waist.
  • Belt Buckle, yes that is a Slot to attach a special Buckle on your Belt.
  • Belt, 2 Belts you can wear diagonally around your Torso. Doesn’t conflict with any other Slots.
  • Purse? 1 per Side, separate from the diagonal Belt Slots, usually allows carrying more Stuff.
  • Back, 1 Slot where you can either put a Backpack or a Backscabbard, or a Backpack with integrated Scabbard.
  • Frog, yes that is the word for the thing that holds the Scabbard of a Sword on the side of your Belt. Unsure how many of those I should allow. Wouldn’t want to ruin someones Santoryu.
  • Hat, worn ontop of all the other Headgear.
  • Helmet, this one will be complicated in what it covers and what it doesn’t.
  • Mask for a Face obstructing Mask worn above everything else.
  • Monocle Slots (may be occupied by Glasses)
  • Glasses Slot for whatever you wear ontop of your Nose.
  • Mustache Slot, because fake Mustaches.
  • Beard Slot, same reason as above.
  • Muttonchops Slot, just for completion, see above.
  • Eyebrow Slots, Left and Right, might occupy both if you equip a Unibrow. XD
  • Eye Slot for Contact Lenses or flat out Eye replacements.
  • Mouth Slot for if you wanna put a piece of Straw or something in it.
  • Teeth Slot for Gold Teeth and similar Dental inserts.
  • Hairband, in case you have a Ponytail or Pigtails or whatever.
  • Hairclip, because Hair, I guess.
  • “Crown”, which is worn like a Circlet around your Head or whatever Helmet you wear.
  • Ear Rings
  • Ear Slots for having something like a Pencil behind your Ear. (may be occupied by Glasses, but does not have to be depending on what type of Glasses they are)

And I bet I forgot a LOT of things. I am not sure if I should seriously consider an Underpants Slot too btw, but who knows how I will manage that.

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Idea: could some equipment provide other equipment slots:

  • instead of having a shirt slot and a chest armor slot, have shirts have the effects uses 1 chest slot and provides 1 chest slot.
  • have belts have the effects uses 1 belt slot and provides n belt buckle slots.
  • etc.

Ohh, I first thought you meant for Swords and such, or the Backpack thing I mentioned with the Scabbards, but this might be a great Solution. Though Shirt should not provide the Slot it consumes, that’s not a good Idea, but the Belt Buckle might be one!

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With all due respect, you seem to have given me a list of equipment types. You are the boss, of course, but I suggest that you pick equipment slots based on the body part, not armor/equipment type.

Here’s what you’ve given me, but in table form and with some descriptive bits.

Currently Planned
Slot Quantity Description
Hair 1 Feature that covers the top of your head
Hairband ? if hair Accessory that attaches to your hair
Hairclip ? if hair Accessory that attaches to your hair
Crown/Coronet/Tiara 1 Jewelry worn on the top of your head
Hat 1 Clothing that covers the top of your head or headgear
Helmet 1 Armor that covers the top of your head
Mask 1 Clothing that covers your face
Visor 1 Armor that covers your face
Eyebrows 2? Feature that covers your eyebrow
Eye 2? Feature that augments or replaces your eye
Monocle 1 per eye? Accessory that covers your eye
Glasses 1 Accessory that covers your eyes and the bridge of your nose
Muttonchops/Sideburns 1 Feature that covers the sides of your face
Earrings ? Jewelry worn on your ears
Ear 2? Accessory that covers your ears
Mustache 1 Feature that covers your upper lip
Mouth 1 Accessory that fits in your mouth
Teeth ? Features that fit in your mouth
Beard 1 Feature that covers your chin
Shirt 1 Clothing for your torso and optionally arms, worn beneath everything else, even if it has long sleeves
Sash 2 Clothing or accessory that covers or straps to your torso diagonally
Chestplate/Breastplate 1 Armor that covers your chest
Back 1 Accessory that covers your back
Shoulder Pads 1 per shoulder Clothing or armor covering your shoulder: spaulders, pauldrons, ailettes, etc
Rerebraces 1 per arm Armor that covers your upper arm
Shield 1 per arm For shields (an accessory) with enarmes (leather straps that attach to your lower arm)
Bracers/Vambraces 1 per arm Armor that covers your lower arm
Bracelets 2 slots per arm? Jewelry worn on the wrist
Gloves 1 per hand Clothing or armor for your hands
Finger Rings 1 per finger Jewelry for your fingers
Belt 1 Accessory that covers or straps to your waist
Belt Buckle 1 per belt Accessory that attaches to a belt
Frog ? per belt? Accessory that attaches to a belt
Pants 1 Clothing for your legs, worn beneath everything else
Chausses 1 per leg Armor that covers your legs
Cuisses 1 per leg Armor that covers your thighs, often worn on top of chausses
Poleyns/Kneepads 1 per leg Armor that covers your knees
Greaves/Shin Pads 1 per leg Armor that covers your lower leg, especially the shin
Boots/Sabatons/Shoes 1 per leg Clothing or Armor that covers your feet and sometimes ankles
Socks 1 per leg Clothing that cover your feet and sometimes ankles, worn beneath boots/sabatons/shoes
Currently Under Consideration
Slot Quantity Description
Purse/Handbag/Satchel 1 per arm? Acessory that is worn on your arm or shoulder
Armlet/Brassard ? Cloth or jewelry worn on your upper arms
Thigh Strap ? Cloth or jewelry worn on your thighs
Anklets ? Jewelry worn around your ankles
Toe Rings 1 per toe Jewelry for your toes

I’ll copy those to the first post for now, because it’s based on what you wrote.

You’ll notice that I’ve added boldface to the part of the body covered, eg: thighs versus fingers versus wrist etc. I also highlighted the category of equipment, eg: clothing versus armor versus jewelry. My suggestion is that these bolded items (the body parts being covered) make a better list of equipment slots.

This is the table I propose:

Proposed Primary Slots
Slot Quantity Example Equipment
Top of Head (Feature) 1 Hair, wigs, cybernetic augmentations
Top of Head (Jewelry) 1 Crowns, coronets, tiaras.
Top of Head (Clothing) 1 Hats, hoods
Top of Head (Armor) 1+ Helmets, mail coifs
Face (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Face (Clothing) 1 Masks, veils
Face (Armor) 1 Visors, certain helmets, certain masks
Eyebrow (Feature) 2? Faux eyebrows, cybernetic augmentations
Eyebrow (Jewelry) 2? Piercings
Eye (Feature) 2? Contact lenses, false eyes, cybernetic augmentations
Eye (Accessory) 2? Eyegear (monocles, glasses, goggles, etc), certain masks
Sideburns (Feature) 2? Sideburns, beards, certain helmets, cybernetic augmentations
Ear (Feature) 2? Cybernetic augmentations
Ear (Jewelry) ? per ear Earrings
Ear (Accessory) 1 per ear Earphones, earmuffs, headphones, etc
Nose (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Nose (Jewelry) ? Nose piercings
Upper Lip (Feature) 1 Moustaches, cybernetic augmentations
Upper Lip (Jewelry) 1 Lip piercings
Mouth (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Mouth (Accessory) 1 Aqualung, “piece of straw”, maybe food while you are eating?
Teeth (Feature) ? False teeth, cybernetic augmentations
Lower Lip (Feature) 1 Goatees, cybernetic augmentations
Lower Lip (Jewelry) 1 Lip piercings
Chin (Feature) 1 Beards, cybernetic augmentations
Neck (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Neck (Jewelry) ? Necklaces, neck rings
Neck (Clothing) 1 Scarves, cravats/neckties/bowties/ascots, ruffs, bands, dog collars, leashes, certain gorgets
Neck (Armor) 1+ Bevors, falling buffes, standard/pizaine (mail/leather collar), certain helmets and gorgets
Torso (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Torso (Underwear) 1 Brassiers, camisoles, undershirts, chemises/smocks, certain foundation garments
Torso (Jewelry) ? Torso piercings
Torso (Clothing) 1+ Shirts, blouses, sweaters, vests, suits, dresses, gowns, overcoats, jackets, jerkins, robes, aprons, capes, Brassiers, camisoles, undershirts, chemises/smocks, certain foundation garments
Torso (Armor) 1+ Chestplates/breastplates, cuirasses, brigandines, hauberks/haubergeons, coats of plates, gambesons, arming jackets, ballistic vests
Back (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Back (Accessory) 1 Backpacks, items strapped to your back (like shields)
Shoulders (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Shoulders (Clothing) 1 per shoulder Certain shirts, coats, and suits (with foam shoulders, eg: Margaret Thatcher), also certain shoulder armors (which are incompatible with foam shoulders)
Shoulders (Armor) 1 per shoulder Shoulder pads, spaulders, pauldrons, ailettes, epaulettes
Shoulders (Accessory) 1 per shoulder Sashes, purses/handbags/satchels, backpacks, certain shoulder armors (which you can’t attach straps on top of)
Armpit (Armor) 1 per shoulder Rondels/besagews, certain gambesons and arming jackets (those with gussets)
Upper Arms (Feature) 1 per arm Cybernetic augmentations
Upper Arms (Clothing) ? per arm Armlets/brassards
Upper Arms (Armor) 1 per arm Rerebraces, certain shoulder armors
Upper Arms (Accessory) ? per arm Items that strap on to your upper arm
Elbows (Feature) 1 per arm Cybernetic augmentations
Elbows (Armor) 1 per arm Couters, elbow pads, certain gambesons and arming jackets
Lower Arms (Feature) 1 per arm Cybernetic augmentations
Lower Arms (Armor) 1 per arm Bracers/vambraces, certain gauntlets
Lower Arms (Accessory) 1 per arm Items that strap on to your lower arm (eg: shields with enarmes, arm-mounted lasers)
Wrists (Jewelry) 2 per arm? Bracelets
Hands (Feature) 1 per arm Cybernetic augmentations
Hands (Armor) 1 per arm Gloves, mittens gauntlets
Fingers (Feature) 1 per finger Cybernetic augmentations
Fingers (Jewelry) 1 per finger Rings, brass knuckles
Abdomen (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Waist (Underwear) 1 Garter/suspender belt, certain foundation garments, pantyhose/sheer tights
Waist (Clothing) 1 Cummerbunds
Abdomen (Armor) 1 Plackarts, certain torso armor
Waist (Accessory) 1 Belts, sashes, plackarts, certain torso armor
Pelvis (Feature) 1 Cybernetic augmentations
Pelvis (Underwear) 1+ Underpants, panties, leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, jock straps, petticoats/underskirts
Pelvis (Clothing) 1 Pants/trousers, shorts, skirts, underpants, panties, leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, jock straps, petticoats/underskirts
Pelvis (Armor) 1 Codpieces, certain torso armor
Thighs (Feature) 1 per leg Cybernetic augmentations
Thighs (Underwear) 1 per leg Leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, certain stockings and hose
Thighs (Clothing) 1 per leg Pants/trousers, shorts, skirts, petticoats, leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, certain stockings and hose
Thighs (Armor) 1+ per leg Cuisses, tassets (attached to faulds and certain torso armor), certain torso armor and chausses
Knees (Feature) 1 per leg Cybernetic augmentations
Knees (Underwear) 1+ per leg Leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, certain stockings, hose, and socks
Knees (Clothing) 1 per leg Pants/trousers, leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, certain stockings, hose, shorts, skirts, and socks
Knees (Armor) 1 per leg Poleyns, kneepads
Lower Legs (Feature) 1 per leg Cybernetic augmentations
Lower Legs (Underwear) 1+ per leg Leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, stockings, hose, certain socks
Lower Legs (Clothing) 1+ per leg Pants/trousers, leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, stockings, hose, certain skirts and socks
Lower Legs (Armor) 1+ per leg Chausses, schynbalds, greaves, shin pads, gaiters
Ankles (Feature) 1 per leg Cybernetic augmentations
Ankles (Underwear) 1+ per leg Leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, stockings, hose, certain socks
Ankles (Jewelry) 1 per leg Anklets
Ankles (Clothing) 1+ per leg Leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, stockings, hose, certain pants/trousers and socks
Ankles (Armor) 1 per leg Chausses, sabatons/sollerets, some boots/shoes
Feet (Feature) 1 per leg Cybernetic augmentations
Feet (Underwear) 1+ per leg Leggings, pantyhose/sheer tights, stockings, hose, socks, footwraps
Feet (Clothing) 1 per leg Boots/shoes, sandals, slippers, spats, gaiters
Feet (Armor) 1+ per leg Sabatons/sollerets, certain chausses, boots/shoes, sandals, slippers, spats, gaiters
Toes (Feature) 1 per toe Cybernetic augmentations
Toes (Jewelry) 1 per toe Toe rings

Where I wrote a plus in the quantity, that’s because I imagine some equipment that fits that slot will add another slot of the same type. For example, equipping a shirt to the torso-clothing slot might grant you an additional torso-clothing slot, because you can put another layer of clothing on top of a shirt. As a counterexample, equipping a cape in the torso-clothing slot would not create another torso-clothing slot, because you do not put another layer of clothing on top of a cape.

I also imagine some equipment will grant you a new slot of a different type. For example, equipping a dress shirt may unlock two secondary equipment slots for cufflinks (one on each arm). A different dress shirt, with a different design, may unlock four slots for cufflinks (two on each arm). It would be up to whoever implements the dress shirt to decide whether and how many cufflink slots are unlocked; that is why I call these kind of slots “secondary slots”. I think that’s what @Dante-Broggi was getting at with the shirt unlocking the chest (you cannot wear platemail, for example, unless you are wearing something underneath like a gambeson or arming doublet). See this table for more examples.

Proposed Secondary Slots
Slot Parent Slot Description
Barrettes (Accessory) Top of Head (Feature) Used for hairstyles to allow hair bands, hairpins, scrunchies, bobby pins, etc.
Lapel (Accessory) Torso (Clothing) Used for tuxedos and other fancy jackets to allow boutonnières (flowers) or decorative pins
Hips (Armor) Torso (Armor) Used by certain torso armors (certain cuirasses) to allow faulds
Buttocks (Armor) Torso (Armor) Used by certain faulds and certain torso armors (certain cuirasses) to allow culets
Shoulder Belt Attachments (Accessory) Shoulder (Accessory) Used for shoulder belts to allow attachments such as frogs (leather pieces connecting a sword/bayonet or its scabbard to a waist or shoulder belt)
Suspenders (Clothing) Pelvis (Clothing) Used for certain pants/trousers to allow suspenders/braces
Cuffs (Jewelry) Torso (Clothing) Used for dress shirts to allow decorative cufflinks
Belt Attachments (Accessory) Waist (Accessory) Used for belts to allow attachments such as decorative belt buckles, coin pouches, frogs (leather pieces connecting a sword/bayonet or its scabbard to a waist or shoulder belt), etc.

Yes I am still thinking about things, even though I got stuck at GT6 again. ^^

I thought it would just be a good Idea to post this as reference Material on how I expect Players to walk around.


Here’s a good place to start.



Isn’t the idea of equipment slots maybe a little unnecessary in heavily voxel based game? Since player models are (to my knowledge) planned as collections of voxels and armor therefore probably too, can’t we just do a collision check?

We wouldn’t even have to define strict categories for things, just a body part it attaches to, when creating the wearable the exact position on said body part and voxel shape of the piece would be determined by the player.

One limitation with such a system would however be organically layering equipment, but I think that problem could also be overcome in multiple ways. Some voxel types for example could simply be overridden in case of a collision, like cloth being compressed under plate armor. Some equipment could maybe be freely placed on the player model, instead of defaulting to a set position on a set body part. Furthermore, since the player can dynamically create pieces that consist of multiple things, like a helmet with integrated wrong beard, the layering problem wouldn’t even be that bad, since existing equipment can be changed and extended, making the losses in modularity not nearly as impactful.


Overall yes, but there needs to be abstraction in the whole thing too, also for sake of simplicity there shouldn’t be a “collide with yourself” option.

And Hair/Shirts being compressable is a good idea, though we do have to make sure that creativity doesn’t get hit by bad/arbitrary restrictions.


Okay slightly unrelated but here is my take on the concept of “wear a full set of THIS armor to get a bonus!”:

I really hate Set Bonuses, sure for something like a Hazmat Suit or Space Suit it is kinda required (to give full protection from the Environment), but anything else, no. Armor should not give you more of a random Bonus because you happen to have a “matching” Set, you should definitely be able to mix and match Armors and other Equipables.

And in case of Hazmat and Space Suits, just have a flag if a piece of Armor would protect from an Environment (such as lack of air, or toxic gasses, or radiation), so you can mix and match those Suits too if there is more than one option! Who doesn’t want to be a mix of Astronaut and Cosmonaut! Or an Orc wearing a Lead Bucket along with his Radiation Protection Suit!


I would like to see a full set of clothing and armor slots. I long for the days of Morrowind levels of control when I could wear a full set of armor over my extravagant clothing, with an enchanted skirt, robes and lest not forget the pauldrons.


Also on the concept of weight to money, Super Hydlide added weight to coins, the more you carried the slower you walked. You could find a money changer to lighten that load up with notes.


I think the body parts can also merge into “equipment slots” system. For example,a normal human will look like this:

  • brain, a organ , offers a brain slot, provide mind .
  • head, a container (also a body part ), offers a body part slot, a container slot and a head slot.
  • hair, a body part , offers a fur slot.
  • body, a container (also a body part ), offers a body part slot, a container slot and a body slot.
  • heart, a organ , offers a heart slot, provide energy . (same as other organs)
  • arm, a body part , offers a body part slot, provide motion .
  • hand,a body part , offers a hand slot, provide control .(same as legs and feet)
  • eye, a body part , offers a eye slot, provide vision .(same as other features)

According to the “Skins and Custom Player Models” part, player can custom them body. So a universal clothes may not suitable. If possible, just let players customize armor’s size and shape, then do a “2d collision check” with their body、arms, and maybe tail or wings.



That is a good idea for technical reasons! Did you know Dwarves dont have Knees? They are too short for them. XD


Oh Dwarves most certainly have knees, how else would they sit with their legs hanging comically off the side of a chair. You may be thinking of Gimli played by John Rhys-Davies who had to play the character kneeling on his knees as he’s 6ft tall. That would give the appearance of having no knees.

What Dwarves do have is an unusually shaped body, with shoulders far more broad than a regular human they would have trouble fitting regular clothing, too short for adult clothing, too wide for children’s.


Dwarves in Dwarf Fortress are so short they dont need Knee Armor, because greaves and boots already cover the Knees. XD

Also praise the Autolinker, as for i decided to add that one to the List.


I propose an exosuit (one of those ones some workers use these days). Makes your character stronger, maybe make you able to carry containers full of stuff. Which slots do you suppose it should take up?


It can use multiple Slots, maybe even all the Slots designated for Outer Armor. :wink:


Don’t forget the mouthpiece slot. This could be for yo grill homie, or a piece of straw (+1 Charisma). Maybe even to hold a screw or two while working.


forehead slot in case you want to put a diamond there


Or Diablo’s soulgem.