Way to find a specific ore vein

Hi all,

I started a new GT6 world about a month ago but fell off because I have found almost every type of ore vein except for redstone, which I need to begin my crucible automation. I have resorted to cheating in for now but I was wondering if there was a reliable in-game way to find a vein, either a command to find a block or an item.


Redstone? I thought that was quite common…
But indeed it’s often difficult to find one particular type of ore.


Wait, did i not make it easier to get Mercury for the Thermometer? I thought I even mentioned it in an NEI thing. And Redstone is pretty much almost everywhere where Slate/Deepslate is at a low Y Level.

As for locating Veins, pick up Rocks on the Surface, or look at them with a Magnifying Glass if you dont want to clutter your Inventory.


I thought it was pretty common too and Greg, you mean that I can find restone small ores anywhere that the slate or deep slate is within that 0 - 30 y depth?


No I mean that the Redstone LARGE Ores are in Deepslate/Slate at the vanilla-ish Heights.

Redstone Small Ores are down there no matter the Stone Layer.


Awesome, thanks a lot!


Yes and it’s commonly needed to walk several thousand blocks, picking up Rocks, encountering 10 or more Cassiterite Veins, just to search for one of the rarer Veins, like Chromite or Tungsten.
By the way I look for Bedrock Veins by looking at Journeymap. Bedrock Veins generate a cluster of Rocks denser than normal and is somewhat easy to spot on the map.


I am very sure that I know someone who will feel very unlucky about not having found ANY Cassiterite. XD

And yes there is Clusters of Rocks and sometimes Flowers around a Bedrock Ore Spot.

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Yep. I searched for tens of chunks in every direction. Bah. Just depends on mapgen.


I lack garnierite in current world, so I spent much mercury for bathing pentlandite before extracting cyan vitriol from it… Random lack of something adds to replayability, and that is good.


I lack Garnierite too. But there’s at least 3 Bedrock Pentlandite Veins near my home, with more than enough Pentlandite generated above Bedrock level.