Water softening for more efficient distilled/demineralized water source

Suggest this since the major ways to obtain distilled water (except turbine leftovers) are either burning H2 and O2 together, or just boil water, which isn’t what modern boilers do.

And because waiting water to boil is boring.


Ah I see what you mean, but wouldn’t that be rather complicated compared to just turning HU + Water into Distilled Water?


Boiling is in fact more expensive way to get clean water (at least in real life). And yes although you need to prepare a lot of chemicals for that, this is more suitable (and realistic) way for mass production of clean water.

And also why can’t I include a link in my posts :frowning:


There is a whitelist of things users can link to. What do you want to link to?


Just some chemistry. Search “Precipitation Softening” and probably the first result.


Rather that’s because you are still a new user, once you’ve reached Member then I think arbitrary links can be posted. :slight_smile:


Indeed there have many modern methods to get soft waters.

1.Ion exchange resin
They are not common resin. They are a special kind of polymer which have strong acidic or basic. The ions which have positive charge will be replaced by H+ in acidic resin while the negative ones will become OH- in basic resin. You just need to let the water flow through the acidic one and the basic one to get pure water. But the only drawback is you need to treat the resin with chemicals regularly to keep them active.

Under external DC electric field, the ions which existed in the water will have directional movement. The ions will move to the electrode opposite to their charge.
e.g. Ca2+ Mg2+ and Na+ will go to cathode
Cl- Br- will go to anode
Then get the pure water which far away from the electrodes.

3.Reverse osmosis
In solution phase, where there are more solutes, it is easier to attract solvents. It will cause a pressure we call it osmotic pressure.If we can have a bigger pressure than the osmotic pressure, we can let the solvent flow out. So we use a membrane which only block the ions, then add a pressure to press the fluid which have ions in it on the one side of the membrane. Then the pure water will flowing out of the membrane on another side.