Using magnifying glass

I made a magnifying glass to see the contents of the crucible. When I right-click on the top it doesn’t give me any info or show anything.

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A magnifying glass won’t provide information on the contents of a crucible. It can be used for things like the bath and mixing bowl however.
You should be aware of what you put into a crucible as it isn’t easy to check specifically what’s inside it, that’s why it’s important to use the correct measurements when you add them.

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I read read that when you have multiple stuff in a crucible, you could use the magnifying glass to see anything that’s separated out.


Where did you read it? As far as I know there isn’t a way to know what’s in a crucible directly. I believe you can measure the weight of the mass inside with a gibbl o meter, which can help with knowing how much of a single material’s worth is inside, but not the material itself.

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I believe that there is a mod called Omni Ocular which provides extra information to WAILA tooltips, and it does have GT6 support, so perhaps OO would be able to show the contents of the GT6 crucible in WAILA?

(You might have to read the documentation and do some manual tweaking on OO since the mod might be a bit broken atm)
(The latest XML file for GT6 is here, read the docs to find out how it works, the default files that ships with the mod might be outdated)
(I’m not sure if this specific configuration of OO can show crucible contents, but it does come with a lot of neat additions even without crucible contents)

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Maybe I misread something as I can’t find it now. Though when I click on Black Sand in recipes view, it shows it, 5 other ores, what they will smelt to and at the bottom right-hand corner there’s a magnifying glass for the tool which implied to me that’s what could be seen, depending on what was being smelted.

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I don’t think this is the crucible smelting page in NEI? Try looking around for a page that starts with “crucible smelting” or something similar. (Haven’t played GT6 in a while through)

Edit: NEI unofficial might help with reading NEI, as it shows the JEI-styled top bar.

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I figured the ‘S’ in the middle meant Smelting because the smelting recipes have an ‘S’ also just with a bronze symbol beneath them.