Thread for my GT6/NTM/Reika integration mod (need advice and such)

I know @Qwerty added a set of “Wood Materials” that i blantantly ripped off (to be fair he gave permission ofcourse), which is one reason qwertech became incompatible since it did not update afterwards.

It added Metal Armor with a weird weight System

It added Chicken Nests and Turkeys, with colored Feathers.

And a few other things that I have not encountered ingame myself.


i’m on vacation to see my eldest sister in St. Louis to celebrate Thanksgiving (America moment) so i probably wont be making any more SUPER major changes until i return home on Tuesday. in the meantime i’ll hop back and forth from these forums to post ideas i have and look at what suggestions you folk may have as well. but frankly my main interest is in an agriculture focused addon as it’s what is both easy for me to add and something i desire more of in GT6.

happy Thanksgiving to any Murica folks who may have celebrated it, and a good day regardless to everyone else!


back from vacation! can someone remind me if QwerTech was the addon that added morningstars? would love to implement something like that in my addon


I think that might’ve been GT Weapon Works.

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so from my basic levels of testing, the ChromatiCraft bumbles error out the Bumbliary because i think i passed the wrong thing(s) to the code that determines whether a bee can produce… and for the NTM bees they do not seem to be producing any actual products, likely because i got the whole switch case thing wrong somehow. hmmm. will need to experiment…


Remember you can always ask. As long as i’m awake and at the computer. XD

That and the gregtech.log will show any actual errors that happen within my blocks.

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i’ll hop into the IRC sometime and show you the code i got. maybe tomorrow.


No, qwertech does add various weapons, of of which is a mace (which looks like a morningstar I suppose).


and a kazoo, if i remember rightly.


oooh, there’s another idea! maybe i can get the kazoo to play midis.


Definitely can! Can transfer the data to the server to distribute to the other clients so any client could play any song, just a few suggestions:

  • If you parse a midi using the java built in midi parser, DO NOT INSTANCE THE MIDI SUBSYSTEM, it will freeze for like 5 minutes on systems with midi hardware like mine as it enumerates everything, just use the midi parser, not the entire midi subsystem.
  • Obviously a kazoo can play only one track, should probably make an option in the kazoo loading the file thing that can select which track/channel.


Java has a BUILT IN MIDI PARSER? I thought I had to decipher this obtuse format myself! Finally I can fulfill my life-long dream of making a steam calliope!


trying to do some GT6 integration for my NTM fork; i swear i knew how to externally reference GT6 itemstacks but i think i microwaved my brain some point after i learned that, because honestly i just forgor! :skull:

would appreciate some Greg advice on this, something specific or somewhere to find an example


Wait dont you have ? Also cant you search your own code for the solution and copy that?


no i mean like. metaitems, for this example Naquadah Dust.

i tried looking through my code but i don’t ever recall referring to anything besides crushed ores, and that doesn’t seem to be working correctly in NTM’s recipes


You mean for outputs? “OP.dust.mat(MT.Nq, 1)”

Or for Inputs? Then you need to OreDict it, unsure if NTM supports that, if not, you gotta either use OreDictionary.getOres(“dustNaquadah”) and iterate over that, or use some other System.


Pretty much all machines should support OD, they use a specific wrapper called OreDictStack which just combines OD name + stacksize (higher stacksizes for inputs may not be implemented for some machines) in a hashable format so that the recipe lookup works.


so i’ve got the Naquadah gas centrifuge and SILEX stuff mostly figured out; should probably do Naquadah fuel rods and such now… if anyone can suggest good flux functions for Enriched Naquadah and Naquadria in both RBMK and PWR format, i’m all ears. because i am dogshit bananas at figuring out good flux functions… need to take a refresher course on math n shit


Linear is used for most highly enriched (i.e. pure isotope) RBMK fuels, although if you want people to be able to make pure naquadah reactors then you shouldn’t use that (since any linear flux function that is steeper than flat will result in your reactor being overcritical and exploding almost instantly). Stronger medium range fuels and HEU-235 all use the SQRT function because it’s self-balancing and still steeper and therefore more dangerous than LOG fuels. As for the multipliers, all of the fuel values were eyeballed anyway, simply look at comparable fuels and choose whatever value seems reasonable.


i’m assuming Nq-528 (Enriched Naquadah) is more like Uranium-235 and Nq-522 (Naquadria) is more like Uranium-233, so i’m figuring that the former will use a flux function similar to HEU-235 and the latter will be linear like HEU-233 is now

and of course i’ll be having a Highly Enriched variant and a Low Enriched variant for both, because variety i guess