Terrafirma Rescue Unofficial: What if...gregtech6 with TerrafirmaCraft?

TerrafirmaRescue Unofficial

  • This is a Minecraft 1.7.10 Modpack created by kuzuanpa and many contributors, based on TFR and have huge modifications, centered around TerraFirmaCraft, GregTech6, and Advanced Rocketry. This Modpack is science-fiction and tech-oriented.
    You start an epic story of rescuing yourself on a miraculous life-sustainable moon - Terrafirma - of a gas giant 68.4 light years from Earth,
    starting with nothing, gathering natural resources, expanding a base, developing technology, exploring the expanse of the planetary system,
    and eventually building a warp engine to return to Earth, the sweet cozy home of mankind.

  • This Modpack is licensed under the Terrafirma: Rescue License.

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  • TFRU uses HUGE modified version of gregtech6! If you encounter bugs, please consider first report to ME insteadof Greg.
  • TFRU only have Chinese version currently. I’m focusing on coding and have no spare to translate. If you both good at Chinese and another language, welcome to help Translate!

Join the Development and Contribute to this Project!

  • We love to hear from ideas from players, because we are players!
    Apart from giving suggestions, you can directly add or change features to TFRU as it is fully open source.
    Thanks for Github’s Pull Request system, we are able to collaborate wherever you are located.

  • Please read this to see how to create a Pull Request: Link

  • Sources of Original Mods and Modified Mods in TFRU can be found in This page

  • All contributors will be included in the Contributor List.

Copyright Information

Some mods need we to claim we used them:

Other mods considered “Unknown” by Modrinth included in Copyright Info


Funny. Today I was thinking about finally trying to play TerraFirmaRescue modpack.


First question: How to make texts english?


Please see the Notice! Section. I’m so sorry about that but I really don’t have time to translate it. :frowning:

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I found some minecraft tutorial for changing language. It helped. I changed language for my game client very long time ago, so I don’t remember how :slight_smile:


Nice dude!Hope to see it getting better soon :yum:

Why don’t you use terrafirmacraftplus?

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because TFC+ didn’t do that much than TFR do. TFR already modified so many major mods, and We’re based on TFR.