Its not polished at all, but i bought it and its actually fun. I already asked for modding-support to add some gregstyle to it :b
Ah I see, but it wont be similar enough to stop me from doing my own thing.
Also the Graphics Style isn’t what I would envision for my Game (I actually prefer Low Resolution Cubic Graphics), not to mention I would use 0.25m wide Blocks, so that Pipe would be 6-8 Blocks Large in my Game, with each of the Pipe Segments being a full 0.25³m³ Block.
Nah, i do not want to stop you to do your project. Im hyped, still.
Just want to show off some ideas & projects. I really wish, you will not go for a 3D world like this game, i mean its still 3D but Voxel-Based.
Yeah I will make most Blocks based on Cubes, there will likely not be any roundish things either. Makes not only everything easier to Model (since its just Textures on a Cube and Multiblocks), but also gives a few ways of optimizing Rendering by not having a ton of Models on Screen. Essentially it’s like I handle GT6 regarding Modelling, just a bunch of Cuboid Blocks with eventually animated Textures wherever it makes actual sense.
This makes me wonder, will you do prefabs or will the user have to place all 6-9 blocks to make a pipe?
That is, if i have a pipe “item” or “prefab”. That can be placed as a whole structure, right?
Evospace looks more like a Satisfactory clone with added world deformation than something i would envision Mechaenetia to be.
In my mind, Mechanaetia is more like Gregtech is now. Very Minecraft like but less “outdated” and more specialized to the needs of Gregorious.
What makes me think Evospace is more like Satisfactory is the way the world looks and the fact everything in the “factory space” is grid based. Just like Satisfactory.
Which by the way is how Space Engineers operates as well. One could then just as well say Space Engineers is of a similar idea to Mechaenetia.
If Gregtech was in Space Engineers i would LOVE it to death by the way. But even better yet is if Greg makes his own game rather than rely on another that isn’t at all designed for the requirements of Gregtech 7.0.
EDIT: And i am getting pretty sick and tired of seeing new “minecraft” / “Space Engineers” / “Medieval Engineers” clones popping up all over the place.
Because they all have their own ideas and they all lack depth. Each brings something new and exciting to the table but they simply lack the DEPTH.
This is why i believe in Mechaenetia currently. Having seen Gregtech for so long, ever since it’s humble beginnings as a slap on to Industrial Craft to it’s complete overhaul of Minecraft it is today in it’s 6th revision tells me there’s no reason to doubt a fully standalone game will have just as much depth to it in a short amount of time. And then more because the engine can be tailored to support the demands of Gregorious visions. Unlike Minecraft which is a horrible mess code wise and engine wise and everything inbetween.
There’s a reason GT stays on 1.7.10.
Both the “Prefab” and the place Blocks in a pipe shape way will be able to work. I would recommend the Blocks in Pipe shape thing for redirecting Rivers or Aqueducts (since you can make Power through that too), while Prefab Pipes should transfer Stuff for Automation inside your Base.
Pretty much that, yes. Minecraft but better.
As for Space Engineers, that Game doesn’t have the Art Style I would need, and it is really really Laggy. StarMade is better in regards of Art Style and Lag, but is more of a Sandbox than Gameplay, and Combat is rather boring.
Just be very aware that Gameplay wise I will copy a lot of Elements from Minecraft, simply to get usable content, while also avoiding huge design flaws I saw in Minecraft (the Crafting Grid System is really shitty, same for the Slot Capacity based Inventory System).
Just don’t copy Creepers, Skeletons, Zombies, Endermen and Ghasts and i will be happy.
Mutant spiders are fine though. And then as a replacement for all those derpy enemies i would like to see more humanoids such as pirates or even competing factions and aggressive animals such as bears (that are 969 years old) and moose that protect their young depending on season.
Well of course there’s other things i don’t want to see copied, inventory system etc is really bad yes.
Space engineers is laggy yes, but even then a GT mod in SE would be pretty sweet. Aside from all the downfalls of SE ofc.
Point was of course just to mention that the core concept of SE is similar to Evospace as much as it’s similar to Satisfactory.
And all three games just lack depth to my eyes. Developers trying too hard to make pretty things and not hard enough making said pretty things anything more than nice to look at.
However, with SE in mind. Are you planning on having moving grids? So one can build his own vehicles out of block and perhaps even “mistakenly” crash them into mountains?
Why not those two? They are kinda a staple of undead Creatures. And you did not mention Phantoms, the Wither or the Ender Dragon, so are those fair game then. XD
Mobs will be very RNG, so maybe the one in a billion chance happens, a plant based mob that looks like a dick and explodes when it comes close happens to live on an Island closeby. XD
Yeah moving Block Grids are planned in some way, but they are a “to do later” thing.
Ok fine, i will accept that creepers MAY exist. If they exist in some biome or dimension that isn’t part of the core game.
And that they don’t break the gameplay should someone DELETE them from their own sandbox because they are nothing more than an annoyance and breaks MY (the players) immersion.
That’s what i hate about endermen. I find them incredibly boring to encounter, they pick up grass blocks and deposit them everywhere and unfortunately a lot of mods and the game think their drops are essential to their high tier items so one “has to have them on” to progress.
Sure, there’s minetweaker for that. But my goto action in MC is simply disabling mobs with a gamerule and spawning in the items that only those mobs can drop.
I would of course prefer it if there was an alternative… To where i could trade other stuff for the elusive endereyes etc in a reliable fashion. And where the enemies aren’t magically teleporting jihadists but something you can actually combat rather easily.
I don’t like how the enemies spawn in minecraft either. I want to be able to push them out of my region altogether by killing their mothers and children too! (Goooood, feel the anger inside you… DO IT!)
Factorio does this pretty well in that you can just kill the enemy bases to make them stay away somewhat.
Problem with Factorio, and likewise Minecraft, is that the enemies are really stupid and mindless.
If they were more RTS and less “keep spamming the same unit until someone ALT+F4’s” then i wouldn’t mind it so much.
When I said the mobs are RNG I mean they are SUPER RNG, like count of Limbs, what kinda Skin/Fur/Scales they have, pretty much everything is random (or procedurally generated, kinda like No Mans Sky wanted to do it but failed for obvious reasons XD). Though Explosions should not damage the environment as hard as a Creeper does, should be more like a shrapnel grenade or so. And Endermen picking up shit is boring indeed.
And the whole Darkness Spans Mobs thing is garbage too, how the heck are you supposed to make dark buildings if as soon as you dont light it up it becomes infested with everything you can imagine.
I hate spamming Mobs too, because lag is annoying when they are dumb as bread.
Hello, Gregorius!
A question about crafting system in Mechaenetia.
Does it mean that you’re going to make it like “click (wait) and go”?
And another question I am curious about, will there be music for background like in Minecraft or encounters?
Yeah you have a List of Recipes and select the one you use, ofcourse with the “Search Bar” and the “look up things you can use this item for” Function like the U-Keybinding in default NEI. You will be able to select which Items get consumed if there is multiple Options, like two different Wood Types or so. (I might even make it always have you select the Items to be used, just in case you notice you did not wanna consume that one Item you have by accident)
Putting shit into a certain mysterious Shape that you have to look up is really garbage and adds no fun Gameplay at all.
As for the Music, Ambient might take a while, but I am planning on adding a way to add Custom Music Discs, where you can program some sort of MIDI alike thing into them to play wherever you live. NPCs will likely have such Music Boxes for Ambient in their Cities later on too.
People will be able to easily distribute those self made tracks too, since only a String would need to be copied.
I am really torn on this.
On one hand i completely agree with you that putting ingredients in the crafting grid in MC is garbage and a real annoyance at times. Especially with regular crafting tables.
But on the other hand, having items “magically assemble” from resources in your inventory or likewise sounds rather boring too.
I really should make this into a thread of it’s own but here goes…
Crafting things is a skill in my eyes. I know many MC recipes (including GT ones) off the top of my head. The problem is when i have to make the same thing over and over again, but not actually batching them.
I mean, i can make 500 torches in a row no problem. But when i have to make a few chests here, a few planks there, a few sticks there, a new wrench, a couple of soft hammers etc etc etc. All on a “need basis”. Crafting does become annoying.
How about you take advantage of the “skill” part of crafting. Make the first crafting attempts be really difficult/technical/precise. As you’ve crafted one item a few times, your innate skill at crafting said item increases and you can start letting the game skip the process for you.
The higher your skill, the less resources you waste in doing that one thing and the better the resulting quality of the item you craft becomes.
As you progress in the game, you might wanna revisit the crafting process, refine your skills with new and improved tools so to speak to gain even higher efficiency and quality of your handywork.
The same goes for assembling (and possibly servicing?) machines, your hand crafting abilities lets you make better tools, which makes you more proficient at using tools, which makes you better at assembling machines, which makes better machines, which produce better tools etc.
Thus, it doesn’t become a “point and click adventure” but it also removes the tedium of crafting the same item over and over again in a crafting grid. You spend a few attempts at getting it right and then you just remember how to do it so you can “summon” a new item from the search bar at will.
And while i am at it, say the recipe is for a hammer. So you are going to need a hammer head, a handle, some kind of tool for assembly, perhaps some string etc.
As long as you have the RAW materials needed, it should be able to autocraft the necessary stuff before the hammer is crafted in one click.
What the user sees is the step by step process of things to be crafted in what order. A summary of all the necessary materials.
In summary, i am imagining a crafting system that is highly involved for the first couple of items. But as time moves on, it’s finally worth it to just say “i want this item now, using the skills i’ve learned in the past” which does remove tedium.
What i am not imagining is something where you practically spawn an item in exchange for some materials from the very start. It’s going to feel cheap IMHO.
After all, most of the manufacturing is going to be automated later on anyways. Not wanting to return to the crafting grid in MC is one of the driving forces for making an auto crafting table. If i can make pretty much everything by simply saying “gimme” then where’s the drive? Where’s the sense of having learned something?
One of the best features of GT6 is the crucible molds and learning to use the crucible before you even have a thermometer. It takes skill to set that up early on.
But as time moves on, one grows tired of watching metals melt so one sets up more and more automation and strives to leave the tedium behind.
Isn’t that as good for crafting as it is for smelting?
There is a few issues I see with that, putting a quality of a craft will only net you with wasting time trying to perfect your crafting skill to achieve quick crafting on demand for each Item, wasting tons of resources in the process too. And you cant just craft everything on the fly, you need to have a not-so-mobile workshop to actually do it, unless its as simple as a Torch.
Are you seriously expecting me to do something as simple as “4 Planks makes a Crafting Table”? The Infrastructure has to be in the same Room as you at the very least (likely gonna be a Range + Line of Sight)
And Recipes are something you need to research for too, so you likely need to have the corresponding manuals closeby too, if you didnt memorize them.
Also I noticed you mentioned a LOT of things that are on my PUBLIC TODO LIST, which you should probably read before pasting such huge walls of text.
Yeah i probably should have looked for those.