下载 / Download
从 Github 下载最新汉化文件 / Download the latest language file from Github
- 点击上面的链接下载汉化文件。
- 替换 .minecraft/GregTech.lang。
- 启动游戏。
- Click the link above to download language file.
- Replace .minecraft/GregTech.lang by the language file you have downloaded.
- Launch Minecraft and enjoy your life with GregTech6!
版本 / Version
- GregTech v6.10.06+
- QwerTech-1.0.0-a.48 (内置兼容 / built-in support)
具体支持版本请查看项目 README 页面。
Check the README Page for details about supported versions.
报告问题 / Reporting Issues
请在 Github 上本项目的 Issues 页提出你的建议和意见。
Feel free to report an issue on Github of this respository.
许可 / License
本项目的汉化文件采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。
This Simplified Chinese localization is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
关于我们 / About
Team NED (formerly known as MoHaDouBiTeam) is a group of GregTech players from China. To make this excellent mod more accessible to players speaking Chinese, we started this localization project in July 2016. Currently we are updating actively following the development of GregTech 6, covering ≥95% of the text.
- 感谢 Amamiya 组提供原始汉化文件。
- 感谢 phi 提供了 Weblate 服务器。
- 感谢 phi 和酒石酸菌以及 CPFAOrg 的各位提供的技术支持。
- 感谢 GregoriusT 制作了这个绝妙的模组。
- Thanks to Team Amamiya for the original language file.
- Thanks to phi for providing a Weblate server.
- Thanks to phi, TartaricAcid and CPFAOrg for making this project possible.
- Thanks to GregoriusT for creating this awesome mod!