Question on game graphics

Hello! Will everything in game be blocky(made out of voxels)+slopes, or will game allow for flat object models(like in doom) too?


Wait, you mean like Billboard Models from the original original Doom? Overall it could be possible, but it would not fit to the Art Style. :wink:

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So you think they will be truly out of style? I find them very easy to deplete and also very light on computer specs, and their style for me is very familiar and dear, but if you want to make modern shadows and lighting in your game, i guess you are right, they might not fit. Even though, some games like CS:GO use this kind of billboard models when there is huge lots of objects(take grass for example) to increase performance and it is not too noticeable.


For Grass and stuff Billboards might, but only might, work. The Game Graphics are Minecraft alike afterall, and if there is an easy RTX API of sorts I would even make use of that :wink:

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Minecraft had billboard graphics for dropped items and i find it a rational solution. Also, using billboards for some other things at least in the beginning might even give you some more time to work on other things since billboards are much easier to deplete. Also, i wanted to ask about GUI. Is it going to be all in the game window, or in separate windows, or maybe as a compromise something like panels in Adobe products for everyone to be able to build GUI as they like?


Panels in Adobe Products? I dont fucking use Adobe, it’s overpriced Garbage that crashes all the time.

The GUI will be complicated to talk about, and a lot of things are planned to be done once it comes to needing the GUIs.

And Models will basically only be Block Models for literally everything in the World, and I mean everything. That far away Sun and Moon in the Sky? Block Chunk Models at “lower Resolution” compared to the real Planets. This way only one singular Rendering System has to be used for all non-custom Models.


Gimp has those too

This is kind of a base question though, will they all the GUI be fixed in the game window like in Minecraft, or made more flexible like in GIMP.

Ok, i see.


Ever played The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind? That Game has pretty much the same Type of GUI I plan to add, plus I will an optional radial Menu for quick Actions.


No, i did not play Morrowind.


Oh uhh, you can move windows around and they will stay in that place and size. I will also add a way to reset them to whatever Setting they had before in case you move them by accident, though i think i will put a lock on moving them, just making sure you cant by accident, and have to do a rightclick menu to unlock the thing you wanna move first. Same goes for HUD Elements.

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Very cool, thanks for explanation.


I love billboard objects, lol. So much nostolgia!

Eh, not as much as you’d think, a single thousand polygon model is about as costly as a single billboard as far as much be concerned. Where billboards come in handy is when you can render many many many of them in a single batch (like grass). MC rendering an ‘item’ as a billboard is actually more costly in many ways than 3d models, lol. ^.^;


Yeah, lots of good games had this kind of graphics.

I also think that drawing something in 2d usually might be easier for artist than making an actual model and then a texture, but i am not too sure about that.

But this is only true when it is single, as you said.


Imagine the Model Editor like building a Statue in Creative Mode Minecraft, you dont need Textures. :wink:

Ofcourse shit can be autogenerated and adjusted to your liking, if you are not a good Artist. Think of it as Minecraft Steve and a Skin Editor in those cases.


Yep, my word choice was very deliberate. I was implying you want a lot of billboard objects to make it truly worth it. ^.^

You have to worry about overdraw too. Rendering transparent parts of billboard still wastes GPU time, and too much overdraw will absolutely kill any performance improvement you’d get, potentially making it a LOT worse than fully polygon models.