Question about quadruple pipe (blacked edition)

I have a setup, where i need to have 3 liquids (or rather, two gasses and a liquid) input into one hole. I thought, quadruple pipes are designed as means to separate liquids. But upon placing an air vent onto said quad pipe(also tried setup with separate pipe with air vent on it), it was filled up completely and also filled my other pipes that were meant to carry other liquids. So the question is - how do I fill one hole with 3 different liquids, and how do quad pipes work?


Quad Pipes are like 4 Pipes with a sort of diversity Filter on them, meaning they store 4 different Fluids at the same time, since they have 4 internal Tanks.

If the Air Vent somehow ends up filling all 4 Tanks that would be a huge Bug and definitely need fixing.


Well, maybe I just didn’t use pipes property. My set up was two separate small bronze pipes coming from two sides to one quad pipe, and a large bronze pipe with vent coming from the top. As I said, as soon as I connect that large pipe, the system overflows with air. This also happened when I tried flowing SO2 from one of those small pipes. I’m not sure if I have to have those small pipes filled with something in order to block air from traveling into them and making them use quad pipe as separator. Also, if we’re on the topic of those pipes, would be great if you could manually connect each one of those four pipes, though I’m no master of modding so I don’t know how hard it would be to make it look not wonky.


Ah, yeah you need to have all Pipes be quad Pipes, no single pipes allowed.


So, even though i have only one liquid going from A to B, where the pipes combine, i need them all to be quad? Alright, I will try that. Thanks as always!


Yeah that is just because of the quad pipe being a single block in on itself, so you need Filters and One-Way Stuff in order to fuse and split the Fluids of Quad Pipes.