Problems caused by the printer printing tileentity patterns onto canvas

I admit that this is a bit of a stupid question, but I still want to ask:
When you scan a tileentity pattern with a scanner, USB will save the original tileentity pattern data, which is no problem. However, when you print the pattern on the canvas with USB with tileentity, the printed pattern is different from the original tileentity (for example, I scanned a logistics tank, but the printed one is a brass chest).


Ah yeah, certain things cannot be scanned, especially not GT6 TileEntities. It basically copies “dumb” Block Textures, not complex Models.

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Might be cool to have a new scanner thing that can scan a specific texture ID (rather than block ID) on a given side to a specific side, so you can customize every side of a printed block with anything? ^.^

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Not really a possible thing, considering there is more than just one Texture on GT6 Stuffs, there is like 2, 4 or even 6 Layers at times…

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Exactly! You could encode all that data, or perhaps even let people pick the layers and what goes where and on what. ^.^

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