Option to disable automatic damage inflation when TFC(+) is detected

First of all, I want to thank you for adding proper compat for TerraFirmaCraft(Plus). GT6 is the only mod that I know which properly scales its items’ damage values according to whether TFC is detected or not. This also means, however, that most mods are incompatible with TFC as a consequence (even GT6 spikes, as far as I know, still use vanilla values even with TFC detected). Therefore, I thought it’d be far easier to just recompile TFC with vanilla values but GT6 obviously still detects TFC, so I was wondering if it would be possible to add an option to disable that multiplier or maybe just disable TFC compat. Only Buildcraft, Computercraft, Forestry, GalactiCraft, IC2(Classic), OpenComputers, and Thaumcraft seem to have an option for disabling compat.


Wait I forgot the Spikes?! Shit I need to fix a bunch of things I guess, and yeah a Config might make that easier.


Well, it might just be TFC+. All I noticed is that a sheep took pretty long to kill using tungstensteel spikes (which did about 15 damage continuously, from my testing). Thank you!