I’m gonna leave this Multiblock Crucible here.
Multiple crucibles expand the available surface, making automation more convenient. Thank you for your work!
It can be built with other materials?
Yeah you have 12 Surfaces instead of just 4 now. And it can be built with some of the Materials. A good tip is to NOT use it for progression as it doesn’t have the same 1.25 Max Temperature Bonus as small Crucibles have. (it’s only 1.05)
[ADDED] 3x3x3 Multiblock Crucible.
What a sight to behold
…Why is it green?
the Crucible will permanently glow in the Dark
Wait, is this thing made of uranium?
Tantalum-Hafnium-Carbide got the Color Green because I said so, that’s why. XD
Ah so that’s what Lord Percy synthesized in Blackadder. The purest Green.
I like it, nice solid color, you know you’ve made it in life if your lab is green and glows in the dark.
Bug report:
small crucible:1 nickel+ 2 iron = 3 invar
large crucible:1 nickel+ 2 iron = ∞ invar
emmm…am i sending this in the right place?
New bug post could also work but this is fine, Greg will see it.
Checking the changelog shows Greg probably already found and patched this.
YEP I fixed it, and dont worry, as long as I put a “like” on a Post I have read it and not actively disliked its content. XD
I’ve caught the same with bronze. I threw 48 copper and 16 tin but got 64 bronze and 83 copper and 7 copper nuggets.
But I thought that my hands are actually curved plates or my head is a Circuit T1(Basic) and I threw some more copper in.
Found a new problem with 6.11.18. If I throw too much graphite dust in the large crucible(6 dust blocks) they will all disappear when the temperature reaches 2000K but 3 dust blocks will be fine.
Seriously? Ugh how can that happen… I will tell bear about it to see if he can replicate it…
Fixed that Issue. ^^