The server opened at around end of July, and has been running well, recently reaching 18 players online and at most time around 10 players online. Most players are Chinese so the main communicating language is Chinese but we welcome English using players.
The server is built on Chinese local network systems LT, YD, and DX. For players from other countries I recommend LT. If you lagg using it, try the other two.
The server IPs: (Both three IPs connect to one server) LT network ---- (recommended for foreigners)
YD network ----
DX network ----
There is not whitelist so we welcome civilized players.
Am i assuming right that Minecrafts Skin Servers are somehow blocked or unreachable and that’s why the Steves? Or did just nobody actually buy MC? (which isn’t a bad thing considering what Minecraft has become by now)
That’s true. In China, most player use skinme(an unofficial skin website) or don’t have skin.
About piracy Minecraft, emm, in China, although there is “Chinese Edition Minecraft”, but it’s trash. Netease only want to use Minecraft to get money, and Netease Minecraft Community is in trouble now. A example, IC2 needs to be purchased and then play, so nobody want to play it. But mojang prohibited new Chinese account. So many player go to play piracy Minecraft.
In fact, there is about tens of millions of player play piracy Minecraft in 2014~2016, I think there is still
millions now.
Actually some of the players have MC online account but they didn’t use it because I set the server online-mode off. The reason is just as YangYe said, most of Chinese users cannot buy the International Minecraft account now and the Chinese Minecraft Proxy is not good to play with.
I don’t mean to offend Mojang but this is indeed an already existed and lasting problem. If I open the online-mode I imagine there will be only 20% players left.
Yeah the Always Online DRM Garbage is just painful, especially for a Game as popular as Minecraft. By now they have pretty much all Players they could ever get, and could outsource skins to being on the Players .minecraft folder or selectable in the Launcher. Not to mention one could just have Password Protected Servers, so only people with that Password are on the Whitelist, and then have each Player have a different Password so they cant share their own Password without losing access.