Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 with gt6

can someone teach me to use gregtech weapons for this mode? thx


What exactly are you talking about? Can you give me more context?

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i can’t equip sword from gregtech to slot from Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2
and i want to know if there’s a way


I never heard of that Mod, is there a Download for it somewhere?

Edit: Found it.

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Can you equip any Vanilla Tools into that Slot? Because I cant.

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that’s strange i can equip vanilla shovel,pick,sword even moded ones in the slot but not gregtech weapon or tool that’s tagged metatool.01


I tried Vanilla Diamond Sword but it wont go into the Slot. The Tools from Battlegear do go into the Slots, so I don’t exactly know whats wrong for me.

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i can equip diamond sword too may be it’s mod complicit


Unlikely because I dont have any other unrelated Mods installed in my Test Pack. unless Et Futurum fucks it up, which I doubt but might be the case.

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I went through the API of this Mod and I have no Idea how the heck I am supposed to register my Weapons there because the function I did use for registering them apparently did not do ANYTHING.

And I can’t use Interfaces of the Mod because their Project on GitHub is practically unsalvageable when it comes to actually integrating their content in a proper Project…

Unless there is some other way to register Weapons, I don’t think I can add Support for this Mod.

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ok thank you for help