I was wondering, are you still working on Mechaenetia at all? I recall you saying that GT6 would not be actively developed, and Mechaenetia would become the top priority for 2020 and beyond. However, lately I noticed there’s been almost daily commits with new content/mod compat for GregTech, while Mechaenetia hasn’t had significant progress beyond the charts you made since around January or February.
You can work on whatever you’d like of course, I’m just curious as to what your plans are now?
You know how there is decision paralysis? Not knowing where to properly start is a huge issue for me in general…
Spring Season was me getting addicted to Factorio for a while, so nothing productive happened. And around end of May / start of June, I was kinda busy with “Fictional Character Development” for a bit, so I wanted to get that done (which I did ^^).
The GT6 Commits were because I got contacted by the GT6U Team and the Dev of HexCraft (inspired by EcksWhyCraft, but with a Dev that isn’t an Idiot) about Stuff that needs improvements/fixing, those were easy things to do.
And last but not least a few days ago @OvermindDL1 got the brilliantly stupid Idea to introduce me to Dwarf Fortress (yes I did not know much about that Game until now…), lets hope the horrible control scheme turns me off of that fast, before we get a second major waste of time…
Last but not least, I plan to work on Mechaenetia for pretty much the rest of my life, so do not worry about anything being cancelled.
/me coughs
If I can get time away from new baby then I should just start working on ‘something’ in it just to poke greg more on it, lol.
This HexCraft mod looks really cool, going to have a major new update on monday or so, GT6 compat and all! ^.^
Precious lord…
I suppose Mechaenetia is to be published around 2025 now…
Though it will be nice if you get the spiritual force from such a chef-d’oeuvre as DF and your game will be just as great!
Hahahahaha, yeah the level of Detail in DF is awesome, but I have to stress a lot that its controls are utter garbage and inconsistent as fuck, which will likely turn me away from it in a few weeks or so.
For me personally games like DF, NetHack and System Shock were like a school of controls, how they should and should not be done. Do you play roguelike games?
Enter the Gungeon would count as one I guess.
And DF really has issues with controls, the UI has at least 4 different !!!exclusive!!! ways to be navigated (←↑↓→, ±, Tab, specific Keybinds, and the Enter Key always means something entirely different so you cant use that to select Stuff at all), and you always have to exit out of one view mode to get into another view mode, and doing so resets the cursor to the center of the screen so you have to move the damn cursor to the target again. Not to mention Mouse Support only exists if you wanna dig shit, so clearly clicking on a UI Element should also fucking work…
I thought your idea for full procedural generation of the world is derived from roguelike games. Though i recommend you playing some like ADOM, NetHack or ToM’E!!! They are really great games from both the amount of fun and conceptual perspective.
And also i think that lots of specific keybinds are good for speeding the process up heavily, and they are especially important in a real-time game. I personally prefer more acme-like interface, but emacs is great too with all the binds, and the acme model is much less usable in a real-time game.
It would be good indeed to have such Keybinds for speeding up, but said Keybinds need to seriously be consistent!
Nah, I had something like that in mind for a long time even before i played such Games. And Minecraft definitely does do procedural generation too.
Not too much though. Every world is more or less the same, every game is more or less same too. I think a game like Minecraft could at least have had either randomized or more complex procedural generation for potion recipes… And there is much more to it, like the properties of different plants… TEverything is same across the worlds and this kind of makes game more boring in my opinion.
I would hope you are using dwarf therapist, it’ll be a whole lot more finicky for you if you aren’t.
Vanilla for now, not only do i have overpopulation but also some FUN things attacking me. XD
Braver than I. Let’s see how you feel after a few migrant waves, and yes the control scheme is terrible what was it, UM and KH to place areas but other times it’s point to point clicking. mmmm.
I already changed the init file to make all migrants have no selected jobs. And I already got way too many Dwarves to even supply them with food, because seeds aren’t available in large enough quantities to brew enough booze. Oh and I survived that beast incident btw. XD
So what I’m hearing is that I need to show Greg NetHack games next. ^.^
This doesn’t work with all Games, lol
Depending on my personal experience with introducing acquaintances to different games, NetHack has a really rough entering point, and which is higher than that of Dwarf Fortress. ADOM is better in this sense, and ToM’E is the most easy for people to learn for whatever reason. Though anyway introducing acquaintances to true gayming is the kind of deed for every real man!!!
Thanks for replying.
Yep, I definitely know the feeling. I’ll eagerly await for development to commence.
It seems like something you’d like. Every six months or so I get the urge to really dive deep into DF, but I quickly get turned away by the poor UI/controls.
I can see Mechaenetia in 22nd century
I dont think it will be that bad. Also I do not think I will survive until then, I’m not quite the healthiest person, so an Age of 109+ is not really feasible. XD
Also my first Fortress is already down thanks to Werelizards. Now I’m in an even more peaceful Area, and knowing how those Werecreatures work, I will make the fuck sure that my doors are closed when one of those appears.