Mass Fab power setting?

Is there a setting to config how much power the mass fabricator takes? I’m looking at finally trying to set one up but it appears that running an EV laser set to half power to turn 2048 EU/t into 1024 LU/t, then into 512 QU/t via the quantum energizer, running a T3 mass fab, and getting the exact right ratio of charged to neutral particles so there is no further waste, it’s going to take an hour to get enough to make one lousy lead ingot. I don’t play on a server so can’t just leave everything fully automated and check back next week to get a stack of lead, so is there a way to config this down to a reasonable level?


Did you try the Multiblock one?

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That would be insanely expensive to build, and just lets you dump power into it faster. 2048 EU/t is already a LOT of power. I suppose if I make some more fermenters to keep up with the methane production, my gas turbine could pump out 6k, but that would still be 20 minutes per ingot. I’ve been trying to come up with reactor designs to use all of the cobalt-60 I’m going to get when I centrifuge the item barrel full of refined cobalt from aqua regia bathing the tons of copper ore that I have been persulfating out of malechite lately, but it looks like a decent one will still be hard pressed to put out even 512 EU/t, which doesn’t seem like a whole lot compared to the gas turbine.


Also why are you trying to get Lead Ingots? Those are like the most common thing you should find, especially after I added even more Lead in a recent update.

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Oh did you? I guess I need to explore some new chunks then. I’ve been trying to mine tungsten for a while now but most of the vein is actually yellow limonite, azurite, and malechite, so I’ve been getting thousands of copper ( was Azurite really supposed to have a 5x/10x crush multiplier on it? that seems insane ). I’ve only found one galena vein so when I mine it out I am sure I will have enough for one smallish fission reactor, but will need several of them so was considering building the mass fab now, and using it to build a few more reactors to power the mass fab more.


Yes just like Lapis, it is that insane.

And the Massfab is for things you cant easily get, like Osmium or Platinum, not for amassing tons of Lead, one of the most expensive materials to make with it.

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Hrm… I guess lead is slightly more massive than osmium. Still, I was first thinking of osmium ( which shouldn’t be much more expensive ) but then that getting enough lead for reactors could be a problem since it only seems to come from galena and uranium ore, and I haven’t found any uranium in this world. And neither has an extra crush multiplier or can be bathed to get more lead.


Aren’t nether stars things you can’t easily get? I think I’ve only ever killed the wither once in the ~10 years I’ve played minecraft, and don’t think it even dropped a star. It looks like you need like 16 of them to build a fab setup higher than tier 3, but you can’t use the tier 3 one to produce more nether stars. I think I’m sitting on over a thousand platinum now and a few hundred osmium from aqua regia processing all of the purified nickel ore I got from persulfating yellow limonite I dug up trying to gather more tungsten. That seems to be the hardest metal to get.


Have you checked the actual Recipe to make Netherstars?

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Yea, I saw something about using some odd material from some mod called netherlicious that I’ve never heard of and don’t have installed.


Uhm you know Netherite is 1. from Vanilla MC (future versions), 2. Netherite Plus, 3. Now also Et Futurum, and 4. generates with GT6 in the Nether too, so you can definitely mine it.

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Nether is no longer a mining dimension, GT6 ancient debris is small and bedrock ore. I’m assuming ancient debris is from GT6. So… to get ancient debris from small ores, one would have to mine massive amounts of netherrack. To get from bedrock vein… either luck, or long search.
I once tried to find it, found (almost) every other bedrock vein, but not ancient debris. No, nether in that world was not generated before ancient debris bedrock veins existed. Just luck issue.

In current world I have witchery, which allows to summon wither while having just 1 wither skeleton skull.


Wow. I had no idea of any of those things.


Interesting, Ancient Debris is actually one of the more common Bedrock ones in the Nether. So yeah bad luck I guess. :wink:

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