Link for a gt6 test addon

Hello everyone!!!
Can someone give me a link to a gregtech 6 test addon? Im start to making my second big modpack and i need some custom multiblock mashines that will use rotation/kinetic power

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Uhm I do not think this really exists all that much? Also learn modding and java first before trying to go for an Addon, trust me, you MUST know a bit about programming java beforehand.

Thanks for an answer! Im know basics of java, but dont know forge for 1.7.10… Like for 1.12.2 i know. I have experience in programming with another language, so i think probably if i try a lot i will do that i want

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1.7 is not much different than 1.12 i would say its even easier like json models dont exist but we also dont have some utility classes like BlockPos.

There is this example addon if you looking for stuff you need for your modpack

also for making big modpacks I am also working on a extensible MineTweaker addon that lets you tweak Materials,Prefixes add machines… all using ZenScript, it’s still work in progress tough you can check it out here:


Very cool. I recall using MTUtils to do GT6 tweaking. Also you can probably refer to GT6X which is an add on someone is making based on GT6U ideas.