Just putting up random Greg Artwork I did

An hour or two ago I decided I wanted to make a “Classic Gregorius” Variant of my Profile Pic, so here we go, the classical Armored Gregorius from the good old days in my mid-tier Art Style, plus a little bit of retroactive continuity. XD
Portrait_Greggman_Classic_256 Portrait_Greggman_256
Also the current Version on the right for comparison, which I totally did not use as a base for the left one. XD

And no I am not gonna be in the next Sonic Generations. :stuck_out_tongue:


Very nice. If we are showing how we look I’ll upload a picture of myself.

Here is an image someone drew of me a while ago now. Due to space time warping this is an image of my future self after I had lost one of my arms, unlike today where I still have both. Funny thing is the picture is incorrect, I actually lost the other one.



Just mirror it, then its fixed. XD

Only the what I suspect to be a Ghostbusters alike logo would be the other way around, unless that Scouter alike thing has to be on the side it is on.

Looks nice though. ^^


The scouter is also on the wrong side. :joy:
In fact if it weren’t for the t-shirt logo and the mag I probably would now that you mention it.


I promised it almost a year ago and I finally think I did a good enough job on drawing Gregoriette!

There is many sides to me, and I wanted to give each side a personification, she being the latest addition to the instances of Greg.

And since its my Birthday, I had to update my Profile Page too, and then add a dedicated Page for all the Types of Greg that exist in order to split it as to not mix it with my personal Profile.

In case anyone reading this missed it, which can be likely, I do consider myself genderless, but go with the pronoun that fits most to the used Name/Appearance (male most of the time). And I also do like behaving cute sometimes. :wink:


Happy Birthday Greg, I like the use of your emblem for the skirts design.


So because someone posted Fan Art, I decided to give using the pencil a try, and this is a MUCH better result than my OCD “pixel perfect” mess I did.

Just Gregoriette enjoying a Caramel Milkshake while sitting on a ledge with the dress deactivated (since sitting with the bell part of the dress is otherwise very uncomfortable)

Yep this took me less than an Hour to draw up right quick. I guess practice from being bored at school still stayed with me after all these years. XD

I got the proportions much better in this Image and much less skeletony. It is also probably easier to do this if there already is an image containing the Detail I wanted to show, so that I dont need to actually put said detail in. (especially the Gear Patterns)

Things that happen when I am motivated and inspiration strikes at the same time. ^^


And there go two more, though that is it for now. ^^

Here the Dress is activated, which looks a bit like a flying saucer from below, I should have put 6 engines instead of 4 in this drawing.

Relaxing at a Beach with a slightly different set of clothes. Yeah the mechanical feet are the reason for the shoes to look so triangular.


Okay the previous ones were a bit biased, ofcourse I got some Gregorius Art too, that I just drew in the last 3 hours! (roughly 40 mins per piece, I took a while to write this Post)

Using the handy Creation Tool, which is definitely not a Sonic Screwdriver Ripoff, things can be assembled Voxel by Voxel. Took me a while to get the Idea to just place an old GregTech Block there. :smiley:
(Note to self: Don’t draw too close to the edge of the Paper)

The Gregmobile, which may look a bit more simplistic than the Eggmobile, but it is just as versatile! It even has a Disco Mode!
And the Sword-Cane is currently set to shoot electric spheres. Some may refer to that as Kugelblitz. It is basically shooting the electric things, that the final Boss of Sonic 1 does inbetween rounds.

Yes duh there is a Chair built in! Do you expect me to sit and wait on the Floor instead?! XD

And now some random things about drawing that nobody asked for:

These 3 Drawings were all done on the same piece of A4 paper, just like the previous 3 ones too.

If you draw with a Pencil, have a Pencil Sharpener ready, and then use the freshly appointed point of the Pencil for redrawing outlines, but before you sharpen it, fill in some of the gray parts with the blunt pencil, that way you get the best of both pencil states.

A good soft Eraser is also important. Even if it erases a larger Area than you want to, it is super easy to just redraw the over-erased Areas.

Don’t ever try to draw long lines whatsoever, always draw multiple short lines in succession, and never be afraid to just rotate the piece of Paper you are drawing on to get a better angle.

Try to always draw the thing that is most in the foreground first, so you dont need to erase or overdraw that much.

And always, just have fun, and/or have something like a Podcast or Lets Play in the Background. ^^


Decided to draw a better rendition of Gregory. This time only one Image because there is not many ways to draw a Head with two floating Hands. I think I also accidentally increased the Scanner Resolution, so this Picture is bigger than the previous despite be still using an A6 sized drawing Area.

Gregory, as always, looks a bit annoyed and/or bored, and tries to get things done with quickly. Probably a good idea to stay away and not disturb him while he does things.
There tends to be multiple of him floating around doing work, scanning the area, serving as camera and other assisting stuff.

He is mostly inspired by Orbots design, and some canned Replies on the Forums tend to feature a colored version of his image, that I made in GIMP a few years ago. :gregory:


I really like this design!


From glasses to evil monocle, both still look very evil.


(Oh this is the most recent post)

GT6 final boss design


I think he looks like an unregulated creator.


Gregorius fights when necessary and mostly defensively. Most of it is building Traps and letting the Infrastructure do the Job instead.

Gregoriette fights if it looks like a fun thing to do. Mainly using weaponry that fits thematically to whatever she is fighting, so it’s not always a bullet hell.

Gregory will exterminate you efficiently if you annoy him too much. Typically by disintegration. To avoid friendly fire he may just use teleportation on you instead.

Edit: And yeah ofcourse there is a good and an evil side to all versions of me, though typically the evil side faces other evil things, which totally balances out to make good, right? XD

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So I just realized that I overrode the original image I drew in GIMP (as in the one on the website), which had some horrendous quality, and ofcourse one of my previous posts in this thread linked to that location. Anyways here is what I did using color pencils. ^^

I think I got the proportions way better than in anything before, especially no longer bobble-head because i originally drew the head separately from the body. XD

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Coming from Photoshop I tried for ages and could never get into using GIMP. I came across Krita recently and find that to be a much easier free application to handle. If you want to do some digitial drawing get a cheap tablet and give that a go. I believe it’s Linux compatible.


Krita was linux exclusive originally, lol.

But yeah, Krita is awesome, can do a substantially large amount of the same that gimp can do (not everything but surprisingly close) and a much better interface. It’s pretty new as well, it started as a basic like mspaint-but-better thing but ended up getting a huge community around it due to how it worked!


Isn’t krita originally created by KDE team who created almost a full ecosystem on linux? KDE Plasma, kate, kdenlive, everyone is good.

krita is excellent, I used it for about 6 months, modifying textures and making posts.
Some feature such as right holding to change tools is convenient, just exploring more…


Figured I should put it here too, for the meme value. :greglmao:
