Okay the previous ones were a bit biased, ofcourse I got some Gregorius Art too, that I just drew in the last 3 hours! (roughly 40 mins per piece, I took a while to write this Post)

Using the handy Creation Tool, which is definitely not a Sonic Screwdriver Ripoff, things can be assembled Voxel by Voxel. Took me a while to get the Idea to just place an old GregTech Block there. 
(Note to self: Don’t draw too close to the edge of the Paper)

The Gregmobile, which may look a bit more simplistic than the Eggmobile, but it is just as versatile! It even has a Disco Mode!
And the Sword-Cane is currently set to shoot electric spheres. Some may refer to that as Kugelblitz. It is basically shooting the electric things, that the final Boss of Sonic 1 does inbetween rounds.

Yes duh there is a Chair built in! Do you expect me to sit and wait on the Floor instead?! XD
And now some random things about drawing that nobody asked for:
These 3 Drawings were all done on the same piece of A4 paper, just like the previous 3 ones too.
If you draw with a Pencil, have a Pencil Sharpener ready, and then use the freshly appointed point of the Pencil for redrawing outlines, but before you sharpen it, fill in some of the gray parts with the blunt pencil, that way you get the best of both pencil states.
A good soft Eraser is also important. Even if it erases a larger Area than you want to, it is super easy to just redraw the over-erased Areas.
Don’t ever try to draw long lines whatsoever, always draw multiple short lines in succession, and never be afraid to just rotate the piece of Paper you are drawing on to get a better angle.
Try to always draw the thing that is most in the foreground first, so you dont need to erase or overdraw that much.
And always, just have fun, and/or have something like a Podcast or Lets Play in the Background. ^^