Issue met when making Vibranium in Fusion Reactor

The recipe showed it needed 14,400,000,000 LU to charge for being ready to process. I worked out the charge time with 16384LU/t was 12.2h, but today I found it completed the process in 2 hours. I guessed that the fusion reactor had a charging upper limit lower than 1.44E+10 LU several times, so it completed charging too fast than I cauculated.


94956 x 8192 x 16 = 12446072832

So something with the Recipe showing you 14400000000 must be wrong.

And are you sure you were inserting 16384 into the Reactor and not more? It definitely accepts multiple Packets during the charging process.


I used only two T5 Energy Crystal to supply LU so it shouldnt be more packets. And is 12446072832 the limit of reactor? Maybe something displays wrong in my old game version. Plz check if the latest version has this problem.


Uh, the Recipe is supposed to be that Number I just said, it’s what my Code says. If your Version is REALLY that old, then yeah duh there is plenty of Bugs I fixed since then, including one where unloading and reloading the Chunk with the Fusion Reactor was skipping the Charge Time.