Is it recipe overclocking or something else?

There is KIO3 electrolyzer recipe. It’s consumption must be 70 EU/t so we need EV machine. It’s powered from EV transformer with 128 EU/t. By fact the electrolyzer consume 254 EU/t (probably 127 EU/t, 2A). It is not equal 70 EU/t. In same time it is not the overclocking, because in this case it should consume 70 * 4 = 280 EU/t, not 254 EU/t.
Could someone explain:

  1. How to make electrolyzer consume exactly 70 EU/t ?
  2. How to properly overclock this recipe to have 280 EU/t consumption and 1/2 processing time?
    Version: gregtech_1.7.10-6.15.10.jar.


The Electrolyzer will always try to use as much power as possible, which is increasing Recipe speed WITHOUT penalty. The Overclocking Penalty ONLY applies to using a higher Tier Machine than necessary.


I have tried to change input EU/t by Bat.Box – Motor with Button Button Selector – Dynamo – Electrolyzer. The result is: Electrolyzer consumes all EU/t from dynamo but change processing speed. It was tested in range from 70…241 EU/t for given recipe and scheme.

Just one thing I understood: the way I calculated electrical networks is wrong.

My understanding was: the ‘voltage’ == ‘EU/t’ == ‘size of paket’, ‘amperage’ == ‘quantity of packets’. If a recipe needs 70 EU/t – the device will consume ~70 EU/t. If there are packages with bigger EU/t i.e. 128 EU/t – the device will consume a package not every tick. If I would like to override a recipe - I need next tier device – in this case: 70 EU/t == MV Tier, so in HV Tier the recipe must be overridden.

What I have missed?


Hmm. I see. Is it only for the Electrolyzer or there are other such devices? Is it possible to understood on which kind of device I am looking by NEI description?


ALL Machines consume as much as their maximum rating is whenever possible, regardless of Recipe. The Recipe is a MINIMUM requirement and not a limiter.


Thank you, Greg! It explains also why I faced recently unexpected lack of power issue in my EU network.


is there additional question.
time of recipe recalculated with different voltage provided from Dynamo ?

also it is not clear for me.
redstone selector mode 2 on batbox will allow to go 128+128 ? or


Time multiplied with Power is total Energy needed, and once the total Energy needed is reached the Recipe is done. Recipes themselves dont actually use time whatsoever.