Ink Bottle overrides Ink Vial

Hi Greg,
Ink Bottle Color: Black overrides the Ink Vial item from Mystcraft and Mystcraft doesn’t accept Ink Bottle Color:Black as a valid ink source so no pages can be created in the ink mixer.
Any chance there can be a recipe to convert ink bottle color:black to ink vial or somehow make Mystcraft accept ink bottle Color: black? I’ve tried bottling squid ink but it still produces Ink Bottle Color: black.


Wait I thought I fixed that when I did Mystcraft Compat ages ago?! And NEI does not display any way to get that Myst Ink Bottle?


for (FluidStack tDye : DYE_FLUIDS[DYE_INDEX_Black]) {
	RM.Mixer            .addRecipe0(T, 16,   16, FL.array(tDye, FL.Water.make(125)), FL.Myst_Ink.make(500), ZL_IS);
	RM.Mixer            .addRecipe0(T, 16,   16, FL.array(tDye, FL.DistW.make(125)), FL.Myst_Ink.make(500), ZL_IS);

This Recipe produces the Mystcraft Ink Fluid. So I dont exactly know what is wrong there. It is made by mixing LIQUID black Dye with even more Water.


Right enough Greg that’s me just being a dumbass and misunderstanding what NEI was trying to tell me, didn’t get the add water a second time step. Sorry for that.


Yeah I had to since Water + Ink Sac is GregTech Water mixed Black Dye, so I couldn’t use the original Recipe.