I was reading through the ideas document and thought of how procedurally generated music could be a thing that exists, I remembered watching a video on how the music in that one Nintendo tanks game works, where the enemies present have a clip of music and some logic to integrate it with the other clips playing, maybe you could figure out a similar system, or have the ambient music be predetermined, but the npc civilizations have anthems that change based off of their stats and the instruments they have, or maybe when you start getting attacked the game will use a sort of threat level computed by your current gear, the damage and abilities of the enemy, and your past encounters with enemies of similar capabilities, and play a predetermined sound for that threat level, with new clips for a regular interval of threat level changes (ex:different music every 0.5 levels up, or 1 level up, or whatever you choose), where every larger interval (maybe 5 or 10 times the normal one), the clip trumps whatever else is playing, and changes them to another form of them, this would allow for boss music to exist, but not be as intense if youâre coming back with super-ultra-omega-hyper-doge-meme-very-high magical technology hoogly doogly gear, so that way you (somewhat sadly, as it would be very funny) donât end up having ultra intense music playing for an enemy you can just eviscerate at the slightest touch
sorry for the wall of text