How to run Autocrafter

I’ve made a blueprint of the bronze anvil crafting recipe. Then I inserted into an Autocrafter
This Autocrafter - Official Feed The Beast Wiki says that Using an Autocrafter always requires a Blueprint, on which the shaped crafting table recipe is written. A USB Stick containing the scanned Blueprint may be substituted. This creates ghost images of the exact set of ingredients, matching all NBT tags and metadata, from the Blueprint. Only they can be present in the input buffer.

If there are any Meta-Tools in the crafting recipe, they must all be replaced with the Robot Arm Tip of the matching oredictionary variety in the Blueprint. Shapeless recipes matching the input ingredients will also be performed if no shaped recipe exists, just like a normal crafting table.

But no ghost Images appeared and my hammer robot arm tip and bronze ingots were not used even if I was putting them according to the recipe. USB stick with a blueprint did not help.
How to run an Autocrafter?


The WHAT? There is no Ghost Images supposed to be there, who the fuck wrote that garbage?

You say Hammer and Ingots, there should not be ANY crafting Recipe involving Hammer and Ingots in GT6 since I added the Anvil, so the Recipe you are trying to use literally does not exist (at least to my knowledge).

Also QwerTech replaced Recipes can not be crafted in this either because QwerTech removes the Crafting Recipe.


Wait, the recipe for anvil itself has Hammer and Ingots.


OH, yeah forgot about that, in which case make sure the Recipe Blueprint you made works in the Advanced Crafting Table, and make sure it uses the Robot Hammer Tip instead of a normal hammer :wink:


Worked! Thanks, Greg!