GT6 with Opencomputers

I read in the release notes that GT sensors should now be supported.

Using an adapter and dumping the functions I can access against a crucible (smelting_crucible__ceramic_) and a temperature sensor w/o config (gt_sensor), I am only seeing basic inventory manipulation functions.

Does GT’s integration go any deeper? I was hoping to query the weight and temperature from my crucible.


the problem with the gt integration is, i cant really test it because i dont use opencomputers myself. You will likely need the Sensors too by the way.


I was really just looking for pointers as to what to expect on the depth of integration. There were release notes indicating it was a thing, especially for sensors.

smelting_crucible__ceramic_     c952607b-f35a-4438-bdeb-d879595b7949
  condenseItems                   function() -- Condense and tidy the stacks in an inventory
  destroyStack                    function(slotNumber:number) -- Destroy a stack
  doc                             function(method:string):string -- Brief description of method
  expandStack                     function(stack:{id:string,dmg:number?,qty:number?,...}):table -- Get full stack information from id and/or damage
  getAdvancedMethodsData          function(method:string?):table -- Get a complete table of information about all available methods
  getAllStacks                    function(proxy:boolean?):table -- Get a table with all the items of the chest
  getInventoryName                function():string -- Get the name of this inventory
  getInventorySize                function():number -- Get the size of this inventory
  getStackInSlot                  function(slotNumber:number,proxy:boolean?):object -- Get details of an item in a particular slot
  listMethods                     function(filterSource:string?):string -- List all the methods available
  listSources                     function():table -- List all method sources
  pullItem                        function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Pull an item from a slot in another inventory into a slot in this one. Returns the amount of items moved
  pullItemIntoSlot                function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Pull an item from a slot in another inventory into a slot in this one. Returns the amount of items moved
  pushItem                        function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Push an item from the current inventory into pipe or slot on the other inventory. Returns the amount of items moved
  pushItemIntoSlot                function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Push an item from the current inventory into pipe or slot on the other inventory. Returns the amount of items moved
  swapStacks                      function(from:number,to:number,fromDirection:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN}?,fromDirection:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN}?) -- Swap two slots in the inventory

That’s what I see for the crucible.

gt_sensor       42a4b68d-c156-4689-b8ea-75e14369118b
  condenseItems                   function() -- Condense and tidy the stacks in an inventory
  destroyStack                    function(slotNumber:number) -- Destroy a stack
  doc                             function(method:string):string -- Brief description of method
  expandStack                     function(stack:{id:string,dmg:number?,qty:number?,...}):table -- Get full stack information from id and/or damage
  getAdvancedMethodsData          function(method:string?):table -- Get a complete table of information about all available methods
  getAllStacks                    function(proxy:boolean?):table -- Get a table with all the items of the chest
  getInventoryName                function():string -- Get the name of this inventory
  getInventorySize                function():number -- Get the size of this inventory
  getStackInSlot                  function(slotNumber:number,proxy:boolean?):object -- Get details of an item in a particular slot
  getmax                          function
  getval                          function
  listMethods                     function(filterSource:string?):string -- List all the methods available
  listSources                     function():table -- List all method sources
  pullItem                        function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Pull an item from a slot in another inventory into a slot in this one. Returns the amount of items moved
  pullItemIntoSlot                function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Pull an item from a slot in another inventory into a slot in this one. Returns the amount of items moved
  pushItem                        function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Push an item from the current inventory into pipe or slot on the other inventory. Returns the amount of items moved
  pushItemIntoSlot                function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Push an item from the current inventory into pipe or slot on the other inventory. Returns the amount of items moved
  swapStacks                      function(from:number,to:number,fromDirection:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN}?,fromDirection:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN}?) -- Swap two slots in the inventory

And the temperature sensor I had placed on the crucible.


So both the crucible and the sensor are returning only bare bones inventory methods. Where’s the sensor piece indicated by the release notes?


I do not actually know…


But you know everything!


Actually, I just noticed I need to query getval and getmax and see what it gives me.


Holy crapnuggets batman, those are real values!