GregTech Community Edition for 1.12.2

GTCE is a port of GT5u that aims to keep the idea and features alive. This port is for 1.12.2 and newer versions of Minecraft. This forum is not for discussing this version as it has nothing to do with GT6, but in case you are lost, this is the Discord link and Github Repository. Please contact Archengius or Exidex for support with this port.

Edit by Greg: Just be aware that the lead Dev of GTCE is a very toxic Douchebag, and that I am pretty sure that he did (and then undid) some illegal Stuff to the License of GTCE, as changing the License of an OpenSource Project is usually less than legal without the permissions of all Authors.


GT5u for 1.12.2!!?
Awesome!! I will definitely play it in the near future!! Thank you so much for your work!!!


Heh, I didn’t do much in development, just copy paste a few things and break shit :stuck_out_tongue:

GT5u for 1.12.2!!?
Awesome!! I will definitely play it in the near future!! Thank you so much for your work!!!


Since I originally did give permission to make GTCE a thing I had changed the Tag from Unapproved to Approved. But I removed that Tag again.


Be aware that the lead Dev of GTCE is a very toxic Douchebag, and that I am pretty sure that he did (and then undid) some illegal Stuff to the License of GTCE, as changing the License of an OpenSource Project is usually less than legal without the permissions of all Authors.

I will not do anything against it, as I hate all that Drama and Legal bullshit, but be aware that this is a rather Shady Version of GregTech.