Gregtech 7 and Music

Greg I’ve been experimenting with your mod and suggesting things since 1.4.6. I would like to port the vast majority of features of Gregtech 6 into an addon for the Gregtech 1.15 port. Knowing me I will obviously add far more to the oregen then even GT6 lets be honest it’s a fair percentage of all of the features and ores that we’re originally my suggestions anyways. Another note I’m aware your going to start working on an indie game of your own which is a personal goal of my own. I have fl20 so I could produce some music if you would be willing for me to also use it partially for my own game. GT inspired me to self teach myself geology as well as going to college for engineering from a time, ironically I have a lot of the know it alls but I’ve decided to learn animation mostly for my own project. Do you have a personal discord I can contact you on further details.

As far as the eye can see the earth quarried out of existence… the quarries are on their way to your city too


Oh, I’ve read and replied to the private message first, but since my answer is more generic I post it here for others aswell. ^^

I am not using Discord at all. I have an IRC Channel, and that is pretty much all I got until I switch to Matrix instead later on.

As for Music and Stuff, the way I will handle it is similar to Resource Packs, so anyone can just bundle up their Music and post it like a Mod. This way anyone can add the Music they like.

People will be able to choose a lot of things to download during the initial Install Process, and Music would be part of the things you can choose from in it. ^^

As for GT7, feel free to try porting it, there is others who already are porting it to later MC Versions right now. I would contact @Muramasa for details if i were you, before starting all the Effort that has already been done. :wink:


Oh, it is great.If you want to do it ,I think I can help you.I am modding 1.15.2 mods now.


Great. I can support you if you need.


Work towards a GT for 1.15 already has a lot of progress, if anyone is interested they can follow here: GregTech-Intergalactical · GitHub


It may be like GTCE.I 'm waiting for GregTech 7 .


The entire point of the existence of this project is to not be like CE


what does that mean :upside_down_face:


Not like CE, as in, have an actual community, listen to player feedback (and not ban them) and not have the project ran by a child


lol, I always wondered why he called it “Community Edition” when it has nothing to do with how he runs things


That was the proposed new name for GT5U, which was then used for that port


Hey, hello!

One question: This mod… What will be? An actual upgrade of GT5, a upgrade of GT6, or something else?