GregTech-6-Unofficial (GT6U) Thread

What happened here?


It’s dead, Jim.


I still say GT6U’s stuff should be merged into GT6 proper (a PR or so), behind settings of course. ^.^
It would stay naturally up to date then!


If it wasn’t for certain GT6U Features being absolutely not what I would add, sure lol.


Well not those parts of course, lol, or at least behind a default disabled config. ^.^

At the very least ‘those’ parts could be a mod on GT6, instead of a fork, that would be MUCH easier to keep up to date.


This is true, and I regret on my immatureness in software development two years ago when I had the project handed over. Also, due to the fact that the git history is empty when the project was handed to me, keeping the two branches (official and unofficial) with no common git history is a pain, especially when the two branches started to occupy same Meta-Item IDs. This is the same reason why a PR is hard, which basically require adding the stuff into the official branch manually again. Though I would say if someone has the time and effort (which I don’t have currently), it is possible to PR the Machines (MTEs in loader b), Materials (, and Recipes ( and loader c) relatively easily. Considering GT6U has the same license with GT6, there should be no license concerns.

Personally I and my team are working on a new project on MC 1.16: The Winter Rescue Modpack This modpack encompasses what I considers the core innovation and playfulness in GT6: modularity, material-based technology, and energy diversity. We are working on a realistic dynamic temperature system, research tree, rotational-power based steam technology, Immersive Engineering-style industrial mulitblocks, and a custom food cooking mod centered in Stews and Soups. If you are interested, we are always at our discord: TeamMoeg Community


You can merge the history of the main GT6 branch in for note. Git is very powerful. :slight_smile:


Really? That’s something I can look into


Yep! At the most basic but most… blunt, is just git rebase, but that’s a sledgehammer that, although would work, can be a bit ‘overwriting’ of the current history state, lol. There are other more fine grained methods though but more work.

Oh, and make sure to back up your git repo entirely, you can corrupt it all by messing with history as history is designed to be immutable. Would probably be safer to fork GT6 into a new branch, apply your main history on top of that (standard merge it in), then change that branch to be the main branch in github.