Greg's Computer Stuff

Guess what, I had a bootable USB Stick with a valid Ubuntu UEFI Key in the Computer on Boot. It went right the fuck past that one and into the Windows Installer. And when I looked at the Boot order in the UEFI the “NVME” Drive had top priority (it’s a SATA M.2 Drive so I dont think it got that right lol).

As for Fallout, is it possible to run that one in Wine/Proton or so? Might be worth looking if a Proton Update fixed support for it, now that the Steam Deck is out. XD


Boot priority by default prioritizes the system drives (at least on all PCs I’ve seen so far). The windows installer stick is the exception (or was, I haven’t tested it in a while) because when the main windows installation starts up it detects installer sticks and gives those priority (which makes sense since if you already have an update/recovery stick on bootup 99/100 times you want to boot from it). It obviously won’t do that to your Ubuntu stick because it sees it as any other bootable medium that most likely has a lower boot priority.

I remember trying Fallout 4 but having a ton of performance and input issues. Could be better for Fallout 3 since it has a silver rating on ProtonDB, but honestly I’m not keen on redownloading the entire game just to gamble whether it’s playable or not, mostly because doing so would take literal days.


Ah the special case with windows, lol. But wouldn’t that mean you need a SECOND usb-drive? Sure I have a ton of USB things at home, but not everyone does.

The whole point of this was to show just how much more Windows has turned into Malware as of late… Anything after Win 7 just turned to worse and worse shit.

On the old ZBOX I even have a 32GB M:2 Drive with Windows 10 on it. If I ever connect that one to the Internet there is a high risk of the OS bricking itself to death, because Windows 10 suddenly required 64GB of storage for “Backup in case Windows Update corrupts your System”…

Wait you cant just copypaste the Game into a Folder on your local Network? XD


Sorry. This isn’t true. Everything Windoze (3.11 anyone?) has always been malware. They have never been a reputable company, and their products are mediocre at best and outright malware at worst. They should have made Excel and stopped there.

I also just recently moved from Gentoo to FreeBSD for my main system. What a relief.


Yeah I know, lol. But what I meant was more that they required more and more Internet Connectivity to download NEW malware as opposed to just being perfectly usable offline. :wink:

So not OpenBSD? :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s what I did with Fallout 4, but obviously the regular unpatched Windows game files won’t work right away since Proton has to do its magic beforehand which you can do by using the Windows files on Linux and running the game file validator. Turns out it decided to redownload half the game anyway.

MS’ unethical business strategies have started long before that, but if we’re talking usability then I have to say Windows 8.1 was surprisingly not all that terrible. Still generally the wrong direction to go in but the system didn’t actively try to commit suicide.


Considering they started off by stealing from Apple? Yeah, obviously. And Win 8 was okayish but definitely not an improvement to Win 7. With Vista I could understand that Compatibility went out the Windows, so XP would be even more superior, lol.


It’s not your computer anymore.

No. I’ve had an OpenBSD server before, and it was just OK. FreeBSD’s inclusion of ZFS as a first class feature in their OS really made it an easy pick. I moved my laptop over after a week of testing, and I have to say it was no more difficult than switching Linux distros (ie: update a few paths).

Oh yeah, and no systemd.


Oh, so I haven’t updated it for half a month because of the computer? Or because there’s nothing to add?


That was because playing Factorio with a friend for way too long, which is kindof still ongoing…

And the new Computer arrived somewhen last week, so that is not the excuse, lol.

I assumed you asked why I did not update for a while, but your grammar was a bit off. XD

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So how long do you have to play until factorio comes back? Or, what other things in factorio do you think are suitable for adding to GT?
Coal liquefaction may be a problem, but considering that coal liquefaction will produce a lot of aromatic hydrocarbons, and gt6 has no epoxy resin, we don’t need them at all… (maybe toluene can be used as TNT?)
Garbage translation software


While I certainly appreciate updates to GT, I think it might be too harsh repeatedly questioning about what Greg was spending time on like that. He has his own personal life. There’s no obligation or anything.


Though there is reasoning for bugfixes that I did not really do for like two and a half months by now…

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For note, storing widget locations across reconnecting monitors was added to KDE a couple years ago, greg just ran an ancient (2018 or 0-16 or something ancient like that) version of KDE, lol.

Ugh, freaking MS account garbage, mojang was bad before but they’ve just gone crazy since…

They could just support the OIDC standards, so then you could use an MS account or Google or Facebook or Steam or GIthub or whatever, but noooooooo gotta lock into one of the worst ecosystems with constant lockout issues… >.>

Yeah, especially since there is an old freedesktop spec for where to put crap like that, so many things didn’t! Thankfully there’s been a big push for years now for programs to actually follow those standards so it’s gotten a lot better lately.

That’s part of the freedesktop spec too, the default locations, but you can remap those by just a simple environment variable, not even any weird remapping or links or so forth (gotta love decent specs). ^.^

Yep, the freedesktop spec allows that just fine, without any weird links or remapping or so! ^.^

I personally am set up to not have a default download location in browsers, but rather ask me where everytime, so I put things in either a properly sorted place immediately, or I put it in my tmp directory (that I have compressed and tmpfs mounted so it gets wiped on reboots).

We can finally unthrottle the game since Greg is finally faster than the server now!

Isn’t there a key you can hold upon turning it on to cancel that and access the boot menu?

Yeah I’ve since learned that IOMMU in UEFI is to add some ‘security’ to DMA connections, primarily for VM use, basically it wipes the DMA bus on every context switch with random data to help prevent SPECTRE (or one of the others) and such whatever else possible data leak bugs, but it’s not always implemented well on the motherboard to the spec (of which motherboard specific drivers, at least on windows, generally work around it, and linux just has to work around it itself on a per-motherboard basis if the motherboard doesn’t follow the spec, so it’s less a kernel bug and more a motherboard not following spec bug that the kernel will soonish work around).

It should autoconfigure to what the NIC reports, I wonder if the NIC is only reporting that as its base speed for some weird compatibility reason or so…

I don’t think I have anything 2.5g at my house at all. ^.^;

Woot! Screw that crap…

Yep, I always disable that crap, fast boot is… troublesome, and can permanently lock you out of the BIOS if something bad happens… It’s a bad idea all around.

Unless it’s a good motherboard (most aren’t on this annoyingly) that allows holding a key on powerup to bypass it.

+1 lol

Assuming the UEFI fastboot isn’t configured to not even test for such a stick, which most that I’ve seen indeed do not test for such a stick (as it makes that “oh so valuable fast boot time all of a hundred milliseconds slower”).

Ah, yep, as stated, Greg’s motherboard is one of those.

…and if the windows install is hosed and BSODs on load or so?

Steam makes that even easier, lol.


Not designed to be a desktop OS, rather for older secure servers.

Wonder if that was just because patches over time.

Illumos too.

Eh, FreeBSD doesn’t work with near as much hardware, so you want to check that a lot more closely before installing than with linux.

We’re almost at endgame! Started deep science 2 after all! Only two left out of the 29 total!

If you need a day off just say, lol. Almost done though!

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Lol, that isn’t the Issue, it’s Factorio, once you start you just cant stop. XD

And yeah I did set the freedesktop locations to all point to the same Folder.

Booting does let me hold a Key but ONLY after I already wiped Windows… It did not let me before…


Lol, true…


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IOMMU remaps the address space for DMA, between the address that the peripheral device sees and the physical address. Like memory paging but for the peripherals instead of the CPU. In addition to remapping it restricts DMA to only access memory regions that have been explicitly mapped, thus preventing buggy or malicious DMA-capable peripherals (PCIE cards and Thunderbolt devices, but not USB devices, AFAIK) from accessing memory not intended to be accessed by them. This is the main security gain it provides. Its concept and its implementation in x86 predates the discovery of SPECTRE vulnerabilities.


Yep, I was referencing in terms of what caused the issue, not all motherboards implement the new protections correctly and so older ones tend to work fine, it’s the ones with protections that often have issues due to issues in the implementation.

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Just testing if I am properly logged in after updating to the flatpak version of firefox on my gpd win 2, and copypasting my .mozilla folder.

Btw is it normal that the battery meter says 20% just to instantly go to 0% which makes KDE panic shutdown?


That’s a common thing with portable electronics when the battery have degraded a lot. You should try to calibrate it by cycling it from 0 to 100 a few times or just replace it.