Animals are usually random generated in their Features, so you get a kind of new experience with the Fauna of each Island.
There will likely be an option to have IRL-alike Animals and Stuffs, as well as options D&D Themed ones, because those are likely the most common ones to be used.
Animals can be configured to be either without Gender (like in Minecraft) or with a Gender (like with Terrafirmacraft), so people can decide if they want to bother with that.
But back to RNG based ones, there is ofcourse the Issue that people with “Easy” Resource Complexity dont want to manage a ton of different Animals.
As a Solution to that I present you the Egg laying Feather-Tailed Horned Wooly Sabertusk Milk Boar, an Animal that essentially gives you all Resources you can get from Animals.
To the ones who ask me “where is the Leather and the Fur?”, I have to say that Sheep Leather is a thing in real life, and that Wool is a type of Fur.
With a Universal Animal like that you cant complain about having to farm too many different Animals. It also makes a good rare Animal considering how useful it can be, and with rare I mean almost un-findable.
Though this Boar will also be big enough to ride on it, making it even a good and fluffy form of transport, while providing you with Eggs on the go! Who wouldn’t want that!
All Animals will be categorized by their Domain and Subclasses, in order to make things more uniform and to be able to compare different Animals better with each other.
Those List of those Subclasses will be listed in the Code for easy access.
Will individual animals have their own stats? Will animals be able to produce power, transport items/structures, or be trained to do basic NPC actions based on their stats? Will you have ways to manipulate genetics to get more desirable traits?
pretty much yes to all of this, at least in planning ^^
So do I understand that right that easy difficulty will get the universal animal and all other difficulties will get subsets it’s function? Like randomly finding a wooly mount and a feathered dairy producer common on my area?
Yes exactly, though feathered dairy producer might be rare, because I do bias towards the IRL direction. XD
Also “Wooly Mount” = Llama? I wonder why MC Llamas dont give Wool because that would totally be possible, probably to not make Sheep useless.
And yeah “Der Eier legende gefederte Woll-milch-wolpertinger” will be present on all Islands if the World is Easy, or at least present on the first Island. XD
Edit: Also if you are small enough even a Rat is ridable. XD
Uhm is Llama wool even a thing IRL? I think they only shave alpacas (they should add them by breeding llamas for at least 5 generations of domestication :P)
Yeah a bias towards things that make sense irl is nice, but I would definitely love at least a few more fantastic options. Don’t dare to get close to my giant kashmir goat cavalry!
Okay for the easy option: what if other animals exist too and are a bit better at each single task/production but you are not forced to use them because you could also use the wolpertinger at the cost of slower production? All villages just herding only one animal and always the same seems to get stale fast. Or do you plan to abstract all those items into “animal product” on easy difficulty?
Oh I meant it as a “it exists abundantly, and NPCs spawn with it 100% of the time”. Other Animals ofcourse can exist. XD
And you can always breed those Wolpertingers to get better ones, this isn’t an Issue. Some of them might be more Wooly others more Meaty, and I was also about to say Horny before I realised THAT pun. Kindof like how horses in Minecraft work with their different Stats, but more complicated.
Giant Kashmir Goat Cavalry. Definitely possible. XD
One of the many things I will add before all the RNG stuff is a Model Editor for all the living Stuff that can exist. I’m sure you will be able to make those Goats a reality that way, and just add them to your World.
XD okay the horny ones are able to produce a lot of traditional chinese medicine to make the villagers more horny too?
Yes exactly. XD
Though Horns can also ofcourse have a Trophy Use or you can make Statues out of that too like in ancient Greece.
Horn statues? I think about marble mostly for ancient greek statues.
I mostly expected horn bows, horn needles and other earlygame tools.
You do know that Elephant Tusks and similar can be made into Plates and Foils which can be used to make Statues?
Yeah but I never asociated that with greece
Ivory that was the word for it!
Make your DnD elves drop that too as an easteregg for the germans