Add stairs for “all” materials (basalt stairs, bronze stairs etc).
Ah right, that. I think I should add those sometime. Until then Carpenters Blocks has Stairs too that can change Texture when you add a Block to them. ^^
Carpenter’s Blocks is awesome, I highly recommend adding it since it has so much useful decorative stuff like that!
For some reason I never liked Carpenter’s Blocks but maybe it’s time I give it another chance. Last time I tried it was many years ago. Thanks for the suggestion.
I’m curious, what did you not like about it?
I remember that It felt kinda “cheaty” and things weren’t “blocky” enough but it was a long time ago so I might change my mind if I try it today.
Actually Carpenters Blocks has one little compatibility problem with GalacticCraft.
The Carpenter stairs or slopes are not count as airtight by the Oxygen Compressor, so that my dream of building a GT6 factory in space station failed
But I do made one GT6 space station with GC before:
Ah right, GT6 Slabs actually are airtight when used right, forgot about that one.
You can add it’s blocks to the airtight listing in its configuration as I recall, though that would look odd for the non-solid variants, to do it right carpenters blocks or galacticraft would need to support the other, although maybe it’s possible that a hoist mod could do it instead?
and that one is without oxygen. Fortunately I built it in server so I use the Residence pluguin to set healing inside.
What’s a hoist mod?
Actually GT6 slabs are kind of hard to use in building since you cannot always accurately click the right portion of the target block face, resulting in wrong orientation of the block you wish to place…
As in it ‘hoists’ functionality, I.E. just a mini mod to perform that registration properly and correctly based on what is on the carpenters block material and all.
Can you rotate them via a tool, like wrench or something? If not @greg should add a way. ^.^
Well, never tried…but I think that is still little complicated for massive building
Lets spare you of trying that, wrenching slabs wont work, because things used as Wall or Floor Tiles shouldn’t have Tool Interactions, specifically because there is a Mode Switch in the Electric Wrench that would screw peoples floors over whenever used.
Sounds like you need a new tool, what’s that thing called that people put mortar down with, a spade or something?
I believe you mean a trowel:
That’s it!!
Still waiting for those stairs you promised 4 years ago.