Feature Item Suggestions

Since you were saying you wanted to work a little more on Gregtech I’ve a few ideas for things.
Speaking of bug testing designs, Can we get item equivalents of the other meters, like a voltmeter and tachometer, similar to how we have an item thermometer? Would be nice to click on various parts for info rather than find space to hook up a meter block.

Also if I can turn this into a full fledged wishlist, I can’t remember if I tested this or not but I want to be able to stack bricks like ingot stacks, I know you can stack meat ingots and I would like to have some brick stacks around my clay pits.


Wait have you actually tried putting vanilla Bricks on the Floor? You should probably have tried it, lol.

As for the Items, that might be a solution for the Gearboxes.


Lol, yeah I know though my excuse is I’m not able to at the moment as I’m waiting on a part to fix my machine.


And done.

:gregory: This Version should probably be working for you. ^^

(note: The scary sounding Description is only there to make sure people don’t use that Version lightly.)