Electrical setups

Hey gang, I’ve been getting into the early stages of electricity, and would love to use it more to power stuff. I have concerns with the distance-means-EU-loss thing, but I think in my planning I’m overthinking things. How do you guys set up your bases with electricity? Screenshots are very appreciated.


That’s why I’m trying to use diesel engines for as long as possible :grin:


I use Fission Reactor to produce energie. It produce about 24576 EU/t power, so I don’t need to worry about any loss. Before that, I used pipes for fuel oil, and made lots of Diesel Engien. Distance-EU-loss is not a big deal, but RU-EU waste 68.75% GU and EU-RU/HU/KU waste 50% GU, using EU before Nuclear power is not a wise choice.


I using this setup.
My solution was… build first solar flower to get access to IV machines, very cheap and easy at beginning (only simple materials like tin iron and silicon). This ore processing multiblock machines not using to much energy reason is this machines working only few seconds :stuck_out_tongue: when process ores, so solar panels help me to build higher tier processing line then I added diffirence source of power to my main battery.
This setup working perfect on IV tier, cover factory 10x10 chunks


That’s a neat buffered setup!

I have always on power, burning natural gas to cause climate change to further ruin the world of Devouring Darkess. Sea level rise hooo!