Do item pipes consume bandwidth on paths they don't take?

I have a centrifuge and a shredder, with both the shredder and centrifuge with a path (brass pipes) to a item storage room. The centrifuge has another path going into the shredder, which does not overlap with the shredder’s path to storage. However, it seems like even when the centrifuge output is routed to the shredder input, it still consumes the bandwidth along the storage path and prevents the shredder from outputting items while it’s running, and the dust stays stuck in the output pipe. Is this the expected behavior? If I disconnect the centrifuge’s pipes so that they can’t go to storage, both the centrifuge and shredder outputs are able to be transported in parallel.


This one is slightly complicated, try putting a Restriction Pipe between the Shredder and the Centrifuge, so that the pathing doesn’t end up reaching further than needed. Basically it paths and then marks everything that has a “shorter” path as “having been going through” regardless of it making sense or not.

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The issue is I need the path to storage to be shorter because I want it to output refined coal/lignite to the item barrels there before trying to put them in the shredder. However it sounds like this issue is what’s supposed to happen, so I will go ahead and make bigger pipes.


Use Restrictor Pipes to artificially make the path longer, that is literally what they are for, so you can prioritize things.

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If you mean from the output from the centrifuge to the input of the shredder, that is how I had it set up. Isn’t that what’s causing the path to the item storage to get marked as used?


It only gets marked if its shorter than all other possible paths. Restriction Pipes artificially lengthen the path at their location, making them usually either the last or at the very least a very late throughput point.

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I’m not sure where you’re suggesting I put the restriction pipes then. If I make the path from the centrifuge to item storage longer then I will end up shredding items that I wanted to be stored. If I make the path from the centrifuge to the shredder longer, then the item storage will be explored first and get marked.


This is what the pipes look like. There’s only one path from the centrifuge output to the shredder input, and it doesn’t overlap any path from the shredder output to item storage.

EDIT: Item storage is where those vertical pipes are going. The bottom right has some overflow chests for if the dusts from the shredder have nowhere to go.


Well if the getting marked thing is a real issue for you, maybe use Item Pipes with a higher Bandwidth than Brass?

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I guess that’s what I’ll have to do.