Compatibility with Advanced Rocketry

Gregtech6 add many recipe that can process GalactiCraft’s things,but can’t do anything with Advanced Rocketry like fuel or dilithium etc. ,maybe can merge some recipe,and add dilithium vein on the moon.

Also, if it’s possible,some ore vein on other planets would be great.


What is wrong with Dilithium?

And the other Planets cannot have Ores, they dont allow me to add them.


I’m just thinking that if it’s possible to form veins on other planets, then gregtech can generate dilithium veins on the moon.


Not the Planets from Advanced Rocketry (or was it GalaxySpace?), those wont let me add Stuff. And Dilithium is Mars Tier already, so no Moon for you. :stuck_out_tongue:


AR isn’t compatible with GT oregen?
Interesting, I was under the impression that terrafirmarescue, the big GT6U pack the 6U devs released a while ago, leaned very heavily on advanced rocketry. I’m guessing they added some other kind of ore generation thingamajig just for that.


Either it was Advanced Rocketry or GalaxySpace that didnt allow me to generate Stuff on their Planets. I might’ve gotten them confused, but still, its a real hassle to try test those Planets.

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